/**************************************************************************** * shuttle.js * * Computer Science 50 * Problem Set 8 * * Implements a shuttle. Based on * http://earth-api-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/demos/firstpersoncam/firstpersoncam.js. ***************************************************************************/ /* * void * Shuttle(config) * * Encapsulates a shuttle. */ function Shuttle(config) { // shuttle's position this.position = { altitude: 0, heading: config.heading, latitude: config.latitude, longitude: config.longitude }; // shuttle's states this.states = { flyingUpward: false, flyingDownward: false, movingBackward: false, movingForward: false, slidingLeftward: false, slidingRightward: false, tiltingDownward: false, tiltingUpward: false, turningLeftward: false, turningRightward: false }; // remember shuttle's planet this.planet = config.planet; // remember shuttle's height this.height = config.height; // remember shuttle's velocity this.velocity = config.velocity; // initialize camera altitude to shuttle's height this.cameraAltitude = this.height; // shuttle's initial Cartesian coordinates this.localAnchorCartesian = V3.latLonAltToCartesian([this.position.latitude, this.position.longitude, this.position.altitude]); // heading angle and tilt angle are relative to local frame this.headingAngle = config.heading; this.tiltAngle = 0; // initialize time this.lastMillis = (new Date()).getTime(); // used for bounce this.distanceTraveled = 0; } /* * number * distance(lat, lng) * * Calculates the distance in meters between the shuttle and specified coordinates. * Based on http://code.google.com/apis/maps/articles/mvcfun.html#makingitwork. */ Shuttle.prototype.distance = function(lat, lng) { var R = 6371; var dLat = (this.position.latitude - lat) * Math.PI / 180; var dLon = (this.position.longitude - lng) * Math.PI / 180; var a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(this.position.latitude * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); var d = R * c; return d * 1000; }; /* * void * Shuttle.prototype.update() * * Method that updates a shuttle's location. */ Shuttle.prototype.update = function() { this.planet.getWindow().blur(); // Update delta time (dt in seconds) var now = (new Date()).getTime(); var dt = (now - this.lastMillis) / 1000.0; if (dt > 0.25) { dt = 0.25; } this.lastMillis = now; // Update orientation and then position of camera based on user input. this.updateOrientation(dt); this.updatePosition(dt); // Update camera. this.updateCamera(); }; /* * void * Shuttle.prototype.updateCamera() * * Method that updates a shuttle's camera. */ Shuttle.prototype.updateCamera = function() { // Will put in a bit of a stride if the camera is at or below 1.7 meters var bounce = 0; if (this.cameraAltitude <= this.height) { bounce = 1.5 * Math.abs(Math.sin(4 * this.distanceTraveled * Math.PI / 180)); } // calculate heading; keep angle in [-180, 180] var heading = this.headingAngle * 180 / Math.PI; while (heading < -180) { heading += 360; } while (heading > 180) { heading -= 360; } // Update camera position. Note that tilt at 0 is facing directly downwards. // We add 90 such that 90 degrees is facing forwards. var la = this.planet.createLookAt(""); la.set( this.position.latitude, this.position.longitude, this.cameraAltitude + bounce, this.planet.ALTITUDE_RELATIVE_TO_GROUND, heading, this.tiltAngle * 180 / Math.PI + 120, /* tilt */ 0 /* altitude is constant */ ); this.planet.getView().setAbstractView(la); }; /* * void * Shuttle.prototype.updateOrientation(dt) * * Method that updates a shuttle's orientation. */ Shuttle.prototype.updateOrientation = function(dt) { // Based on dt and input press, update turn angle. if (this.states.turningLeftward || this.states.turningRightward) { var turnSpeed = 60.0; // radians/sec if (this.states.turningLeftward) { turnSpeed *= -1.0; } this.headingAngle += turnSpeed * dt * Math.PI / 180.0; } if (this.states.tiltingUpward || this.states.tiltingDownward) { var tiltSpeed = 60.0; // radians/sec if (this.states.tiltingDownward) { tiltSpeed *= -1.0; } this.tiltAngle = this.tiltAngle + tiltSpeed * dt * Math.PI / 180.0; // Clamp var tiltMax = 50.0 * Math.PI / 180.0; var tiltMin = -90.0 * Math.PI / 180.0; if (this.tiltAngle > tiltMax) { this.tiltAngle = tiltMax; } if (this.tiltAngle < tiltMin) { this.tiltAngle = tiltMin; } } } /* * void * Shuttle.prototype.updatePosition(dt) * * Method that updates a shuttle's position. */ Shuttle.prototype.updatePosition = function(dt) { // Convert local lat/lon to a global matrix. The up vector is // vector = position - center of earth. And the right vector is a vector // pointing eastwards and the facing vector is pointing towards north. var localToGlobalFrame = M33.makeLocalToGlobalFrame([this.position.latitude, this.position.longitude, this.position.altitude]); // Move in heading direction by rotating the facing vector around // the up vector, in the angle specified by the heading angle. // Strafing is similar, except it's aligned towards the right vec. var headingVec = V3.rotate(localToGlobalFrame[1], localToGlobalFrame[2], -this.headingAngle); var rightVec = V3.rotate(localToGlobalFrame[0], localToGlobalFrame[2], -this.headingAngle); // Calculate strafe/forwards var strafe = 0; if (this.states.slidingLeftward || this.states.slidingRightward) { var strafeVelocity = this.velocity / 2; if (this.states.slidingLeftward) { strafeVelocity *= -1; } strafe = strafeVelocity * dt; } var forward = 0; if (this.states.movingForward || this.states.movingBackward) { var forwardVelocity = this.velocity; if (this.states.movingBackward) { forwardVelocity *= -1; } forward = forwardVelocity * dt; } if (this.states.flyingUpward) { this.cameraAltitude += 1.0; } else if (this.states.flyingDownward) { this.cameraAltitude -= 1.0; } this.cameraAltitude = Math.max(this.height, this.cameraAltitude); // remember distance traveled this.distanceTraveled += forward; // Add the change in position due to forward velocity and strafe velocity. this.localAnchorCartesian = V3.add(this.localAnchorCartesian, V3.scale(rightVec, strafe)); this.localAnchorCartesian = V3.add(this.localAnchorCartesian, V3.scale(headingVec, forward)); // Convert cartesian to Lat Lon Altitude for camera setup later on. var localAnchorLla = V3.cartesianToLatLonAlt(this.localAnchorCartesian); this.position.latitude = localAnchorLla[0]; this.position.longitude = localAnchorLla[1]; this.position.altitude = localAnchorLla[2]; }