Announcements and Demos

  • If you’re interested in teaching computer science to local middle school students, either now or sometime in the future, head to

  • Sections begin this coming Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. You’ll hear later this week via e-mail about your assignment and how to change it if necessary.

  • Problem Set 1 is due this Thursday. Included in the specification are instructions for how to extend the deadline to Friday as well as how to use the CS50 Appliance and tools like check50 and style50.

  • Problem set scores are calculated as follows:

    • scope * (correctness * 3 + design * 2 + style * 1)

      Scope captures how much of the problem set you bit off. Correctness implies whether your program works as per the specification. Design is a subjective assessment of the approach you took to solve the problem. Style refers to the aesthetics of your code: are your variables named descriptively, is your code indented properly?

    • each axis ranges from 1 to 5:

      • 5 - best

      • 4 - better

      • 3 - good

      • 2 - fair

      • 1 - poor

        Never fear that a 3 out of 5 is a 60% and thus failing! A 3 out of 5 is just what it says: good.

  • A word on academic honesty. This course has the distinction of having sent more students to the Ad Board than any other course. We’re very good at detecting dishonesty. We compare all problem sets pairwise against each other across this year and all prior years. If you can Google a solution, so can we. This year, we’ve rephrased our statement on academic honesty to capture the spirit of appropriate collaboration:

    • This courses’s philosophy on academic honesty is best stated as "be reasonable."

    • Generally speaking, when asking for help, you may show your code to others, but you may not view theirs, so long as you and they respect this policy’s other constraits.

    • See for examples of "reasonable" and "unreasonable" behavior.

    • If you’re absolutely stuck and at your breaking point, reach out to David or the heads directly. Don’t resort to unreasonable behavior!

From Last Time

  • We introduced a few data types in C:

    • char

    • double

    • float

    • int

    • long long

  • A char is an ASCII character. Recall in Week 0 our 8 volunteers who came on stage and raised their hands to represent bits. Together, they represented an entire byte, which, thanks to ASCII, can represent an alphabetical character. With 8 bits, it is possible to represent `2^{8}`, or 256, different characters. To represent the whole of the alphabet in a language such as Arabic, we need an encoding system other than ASCII. More on that later.

  • An int is an integer. On most computers, an int requires 32 bits and thus can represent roughly `2^{32}`, or 4 billion, different numbers.

  • A long long requires 64 bits and can represent even bigger numbers than an int.

  • The float and double types, which require 32 bits and 64 bits, respectively, store numbers with decimal points.

  • One problem you may have already picked up on is that we have a finite number of bits that we can use to represent an infinite number of numbers.

Floating Points


  • Let’s write a short program we’ll call floats-0.c:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        float f = 1 / 10;
        printf("%.1f\n", f);
  • Here we’re simply trying to store the value 0.1 in a float and print it out. Don’t forget stdio.h! The .1 in front of f means that we want to print only one decimal place.

  • When we compile and run this program, however, we see 0.0 printed to the screen. Where is the bug? Let’s try printing two decimal places by writing %.2f. Nope, we get 0.00.

  • The problem is that we’re dividing one integer by another. When you do this, the computer assumes that you want another integer in response. Since 0.1 is not an integer, the computer actually truncates it, throwing away everything after the decimal point. When we actually store the resulting integer in a float, it gets converted to a number that has a decimal point.


  • To fix this, we could turn the integers into floating points like so:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        float f = 1.0 / 10.0;
        printf("%.1f\n", f);


  • Alternatively, we could explicitly cast, or convert, the numbers 1 and 10 to floating points before the division:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        float f = (float) 1 / (float) 10;
        printf("%.1f\n", f);
  • Since characters are represented as numbers via ASCII, we can use casting to convert between char and int. Similarly, we can cast between different types of numbers.

  • What if we change %.1f to .10f or .20f? We don’t get exactly 0.1, but rather 0.1 with some numbers in the far right decimal places. Because the float type has a finite number of bits, we can only use it to represent a finite number of numbers. At some point, our numbers become imprecise.

  • Don’t think that this imprecision is a big deal? Perhaps this video will convince you otherwise.

  • As we’ll find out later in the semester, MySQL requires you to specify how many bits it should use to store values.

More From Last Time

  • Check out last week’s notes for the syntax we used for conditions, Boolean expressions, switches, loops, variables, and functions in C.

  • Recall that printf was a function that had no return value (or at least none that we cared about), but only a side effect, that of printing to the screen.


  • One type of loop we didn’t look closely at is the do-while loop. Let’s write a program that insists that the user give a positive number:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        printf("I demand that you give me a positive integer: ");
        int n = GetInt();
        if (n <= 0)
            printf("That is not positive!\n")
  • But now if the user hasn’t given us a positive number, we need to copy and paste the GetInt() call into another branch of logic to re-prompt her. But what if she still hasn’t given us a positive number? Obviously this could go on forever, so we probably need some kind of loop instead. Let’s try a do-while loop:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
            printf("I demand that you give me a positive integer: ");
            int n = GetInt();
        while (n <= 0);
        printf("Thanks for the %d!\n", n);
  • Notice how much improved this is! When we try to compile, though, we get an "implicit declaration" error. We need to include the CS50 Library.


  • Even after adding #include <cs50.h> we get "unused variable n" and "undeclared identifier n" errors. It would seem that we are in fact using the variable n when we check whether it’s less than or equal to zero. Likewise it would seem that n is not "undeclared" since we initialized it within the do block. What’s wrong then? Because we’re declaring n inside the do block, within the curly braces, its scope is limited to that block. Outside of those curly braces, n effectively doesn’t exist. What we need to do is declare n outside the loop but set its value within the loop like so:

    #include <cs50.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        int n;
            printf("I demand that you give me a positive integer: ");
            n = GetInt();
        while (n <= 0);
        printf("Thanks for the %d!\n", n);
  • If we compile and run this program, we find that it works!

  • Let’s try banging on it a little. What happens if we type a character instead of a number? We get a "Retry: " prompt. Since this doesn’t appear in our program above, it presumably comes from some error checking in the CS50 Library. When you call GetInt(), we at least make sure that what you get in return is an int, not a string or a char.

  • A suboptimal solution to this problem of scope would have been to declare a global variable like so:

    #include <cs50.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int n;
    int main(void)
            printf("I demand that you give me a positive integer: ");
            n = GetInt();
        while (n <= 0);
        printf("Thanks for the %d!\n", n);
  • Scratch actually implemented global variables as variables declared for "all sprites."

  • Global variables are generally considered poor design.

  • Note that declaring a variable and not using it is not strictly an error. However, for CS50, we’ve cranked up the error checking of the compiler as a pedagogical exercise. You may have noticed a series of flags that are passed to clang automatically when you type make. Two of those flags are -Wall -Werror which mean "make all warnings into errors."


  • There’s a lot more going on under the hood with strings than we’ve let on so far. Consider the following program:

    #include <cs50.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int main(void)
        printf("Please give me a string: ");
        string s = GetString();
        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++)
            printf("%c\n", s[i]);
  • strlen returns the length of the string it is passed. Thus, we seem to be looping through the characters of the string.

  • It turns out that strings are stored as characters back-to-back in memory. We can access those characters using the square bracket notation, so s[0] gets the first letter, s[1] gets the second letter, and so on.

  • This program prints the characters of the user-provided string, one line at a time!
