Announcements and Demos

  • Problem Set 5 is now over, but the photo contest is not! Submit the link to your photos by noon on Monday 11/4 for a chance to win a Leap Motion!

  • We offer a number of CS50 Seminars on a wide variety of topics to help you gear up for your Final Project. Register here and check out past seminars here. On the roster so far for this year are:

    • Amazing Web Apps with Ruby on Rails

    • Computational Linguistics

    • Introduction to iOS

    • JavaScript for Web Apps

    • Leap Motion SDK

    • meteor.js: JavaScript on the back end

    • Node.js

    • Sleek Android Design

    • Web Security: Active Defense

  • Thanks to the folks at Leap Motion, we have ~30 devices available for those who would like to develop their Final Project with one!

  • Short on Final Project ideas? Check out

From Last Time

Linked Lists

  • We introduced linked lists as a data structure with dynamic size. One tradeoff for this is that a linked list requires more memory than an array of equal size. The extra memory is necessary to store the pointers within each node. Another tradeoff is that search in a linked list runs in O(n) even if it’s sorted; in the worse case, we have to traverse the whole list because we don’t have random access as we do in an array.

  • Recall our implementation of a linked list node:

    typedef struct node
        int n;
        struct node* next;
  • We must declare next as a struct node* because node is not yet fully defined.

Hash Tables

  • We also discussed hash tables, which associate keys with values. The keys are determined by taking a deterministic hash of the values using a hash function. In our first example, this hash function simply took the first letter of the name that we wanted to store, 0 for Alice, 1 for Bob, and so on. In code, this might look like:

    int hash(char* s)
        return s[0] - 'A';
  • This function is a little buggy, of course, because we’re not checking if s is NULL and we’re not accounting for lowercase strings. But you get the idea.

  • Hash tables inevitably have collisions in which two values have the same hash. Linear probing was the first approach we looked at for handling collisions. More compelling, however, was the second approach in which our hash table consisted of pointers to linked lists. If a second value needed to be inserted at a key, we simply add it to the beginning of the linked list. By inserting at the beginning of the list, we maintain O(1) insertion time.


  • The final data structure we examined was a trie. Both insertion time and search time for a trie are O(k), where k is the length of the word being inserted or searched for. But k is really a constant since words have a finite length, so insertion time and search time are actually O(1).

  • A trie is a tree structure consisting of arrays of arrays. Each index in each array stores a pointer to another array. Considering how many arrays we’re actually storing, then, the tradeoff for a trie implementation is clearly the memory it requires. Yet again, we see that there is a tradeoff between memory and running time, between space and speed.


  • We’ve already seen that a program’s memory is called the stack because of the way in which function frames are layered on top of each other. More generally, a stack is a data structure that has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to arrays, linked lists, hash tables, and tries.

  • We interact with stacks using only two basic operations: push and pop. To add data to the stack, we push it onto the top of the stack. To retrieve data from the stack, we pop it off the top of the stack. As a result, a stack exhibits last in first out (LIFO) storage. The only data that we can retrieve from the stack is the last data we added to it.

  • In what contexts might LIFO storage be useful? Clearly it’s useful for organizing a program’s memory. As we’ll see soon, it’s also useful for validating the tree structure of a web page’s HTML.

  • We might implement a stack like so:

    typedef struct
        int trays[CAPACITY];
        int size;
  • It’s convenient to think of a stack like the stack of trays in the dining halls. In the code above, CAPACITY is a constant defining the maximum number of such trays that a stack can contain. Another integer named size stores the number of trays currently in the stack.

  • Let’s say CAPACITY is 3. Initially, trays contains nothing but garbage values and size is 0. Let’s say we push the number 9 onto the stack. Now size becomes 1 and the 0th index of trays is set to 9. Next, we push 17 onto the stack, size becomes 2 and the 1st index of trays is set to 17. Finally, we push 22 onto the stack, size becomes 3 and the 2nd index of trays is set to 22. What happens when we try to push 27 onto the stack? We can’t add it to the stack because we have filled all available indices in trays. If our push function returned a Boolean, we would want it to return false in this case.

  • One way to implement a stack with dynamic size would be to declare trays as a pointer and malloc it at runtime. Another way would be to declare trays as a pointer to a linked list.


  • If you’re familiar with the lines that form outside the Apple store when a new iPhone is released, then you’re familiar with queues. We also interact with queues using two basic operations: enqueue and dequeue. Whereas stacks exhibit LIFO storage, however, queues exhibit FIFO, i.e. first in first out, storage. Imagine how upset the people outside the Apple store would be if the line were implemented as a stack instead of a queue!

  • We can implement a queue using a struct:

    typedef struct
        int numbers[CAPACITY];
        int front;
        int size;
  • Note that our queue type is very similar to our stack type. Why do we need the extra int for queue? front keeps track of the index of the next value to be dequeued. If we add 9, 17, and 22 as we did to the stack and then remove 9, we need to know that 17 should be the next value dequeued. front is incremented whenever a value is dequeued, at least until we reach CAPACITY.

  • What happens when we have one value in the last index of numbers and we want to enqueue another number? We can use an operator called modulus (%) to wrap around to index 0 of numbers. Our one value is at index 2, so if we insert at 3 modulo CAPACITY, we’ll be inserting at index 0.

  • Using this approach, insertion into a queue runs in constant time.


  • A trie is actually a specific type of a data structure called a tree:

    A tree.
  • A tree consists of 0 or more nodes. If there is at least one node, it is called the root. Each node can have 0 or more children. A node with 0 children is called a leaf.

  • The diagram above shows a tree that has varying numbers of children for each node. But if we are a little more strict in how many children a node can have, we create a structure that’s easily searchable. Consider a binary tree, in which a node can have at most two children. We could define this in code like so:

    typedef struct node
        int n;
        struct node* left;
        struct node* right;

Binary Search Trees

  • A binary search tree is a special type of binary tree. What’s interesting about a binary search tree is that a node’s left child is less than it and a node’s right child is greater than it. Searching a tree like this is trivial then: if the current node is less than the value we’re looking for, then we move to the right child; if the current node is greater than the value we’re looking for, then we move to the left child. An implementation of search might look like this:

    bool search(int n, node* tree)
        if (tree == NULL)
            return false;
        else if (n < tree->n)
            return search(n, tree->left);
        else if (n > tree->n)
            return search(n, tree->right);
            return true;
  • Remember that the -> operator means to access and dereference a field within a struct.

  • Note that both the first if condition and the final else condition in the above are base cases. It’s not necessary to place them both at the top of our logic.


  • Soon we’ll start working in HTML, a markup language that allows you to specify what a web page should look like, and JavaScript, a programming language that allows you to execute logic within a browser. Our first web page will be implemented like so:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>hello, world</title>
            hello, world
  • If you get really clever, you may be able to implement a page like Rob’s or even Hamster Dance.