Command-Line Arguments00:00

  • We’ve been writing programs that look like this, whereby main does not take any arguments (as implied by the presence of void):

    #include <cs50.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        // TODO
    • This means that no other words can be typed after the program’s name and accessed within main, and the only way to provide input is by a function running after the program is started, like with GetString.

  • Commands like cd take arguments from the command-line, so cd Dropbox changes the directory to Dropbox without a separate prompt for input. mkdir pset2 makes a directory called pset2, and make hello builds a program called hello.

  • So far we’ve had int main(void) at the beginning of our programs, signifying that they don’t take any arguments. Starting today, though, we’ll start supporting even multiple command-line arguments.

    • clang -o hello hello.c has three such arguments (-o, hello, and hello.c).

  • We will start adding code like this:

    #include <cs50.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(int argc, string argv[])
        // TODO
  • We see that main now takes two arguments, argc which is an int, and argv which is an array of strings. We specify the name, argv (short for argument vector, or array of arguments), but not the size, so any array can be passed in to main.

  • So command-line arguments look like this:

    |          |
    |          |           |           |           |  ...
  • argv is a chunk of memory that stores one string after another, and argc is a single chunk of memory that holds an int.

  • We can access each string individually:

    |          |
    argv[0]    argv[1]     argv[2]     argv[3]
    |          |           |           |           |  ...
  • If we run a program with ./hello, the computer will store this in argc and argv[0]:

    | 1        |
    argv[0]     argv[1]     argv[2]     argv[3]
    | ./hello   |           |           |           |  ...
  • If we run cd Dropbox, the memory will look like this:

    | 2        |
    argv[0]     argv[1]     argv[2]     argv[3]
    | cd        | Dropbox   |           |           |  ...
  • And likewise for mkdir pset2:

    | 2        |
    argv[0]     argv[1]     argv[2]     argv[3]
    | mkdir     | pset2     |           |           |  ...
  • If we ran clang -o hello hello.c, however, we get:

    | 4        |
    argv[0]     argv[1]     argv[2]     argv[3]
    | clang     | -o        | hello     | hello.c   |  ...
  • Since we don’t know where argv will end by itself, we need argc to tell us where to stop looking.

  • Let’s write a program that uses these arguments. What about a program that says hello without using GetString? Instead, it’ll take arguments like this:

    | 2        |
    argv[0]     argv[1]     argv[2]     argv[3]
    | ./hello   | Zamyla    |           |           |  ...
  • We’ll call this hello-3.c:

    1#include <cs50.h>
    2#include <stdio.h>
    4int main(int argc, string argv[])
    6    printf("hello, %s\n", argv[1]);
    • argv[1] contains whatever string is passed in after the name of our program.

Memory Access09:18

  • But what happens if we don’t type someone’s name in?

    jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): make hello-3
    clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror    hello-3.c  -lcs50 -lm -o hello-3
    jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): ./hello-3
    hello, (null)
    • printf is printing (null) because there’s nothing (well, technically, NULL) in argv[1].

      • What about poking around even more? Let’s try to access argv[2]:

        1#include <cs50.h>
        2#include <stdio.h>
        4int main(int argc, string argv[])
        6    printf("hello, %s\n", argv[2]);
        jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./hello-3
        hello, XDG_VTNR=7
      • What about argv[3]?

        jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./hello-3
        hello, SSH_AGENT_PID=1616
      • Interesting. How about argv[50]?

        jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./hello-3
        hello, INSTANCE=
      • Let’s be reckless, and try argv[5000]:

        jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./hello-3
        Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    • This message might look familiar. We’ve caused a segmentation fault where we’ve touched memory we shouldn’t have, and segments are just chunks of memory. The computer gives us the number of arguments in argv, and if we try to go farther there is physically other memory there and data stored, so we might have seen anything else. Indeed, it might even be possible for hackers to use programs in a powerful language like C to go through memory and find passwords or other interesting things.

      • We should have gotten errors as soon as we went even one index past the end of argv, but since a computer allocates memory in chunks for efficiency, our program got a big enough chunk to look at argv[3] and argv[50] without going past its boundaries. Once we tried to access argv[5000], the operating system noticed and enforced the segmentation of memory.

      • Another note, core dumped means that the program’s memory when it crashed is saved as a file called core, so we can use it diagnostically after the fact.

    • In this case, however, we went too far and the program crashed. Let’s try to fix this.

Return Values12:54

  • Starting over, we notice that main is a function that returns an int:

    #include <cs50.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(int argc, string argv[])
        // TODO
    • Even though we haven’t specified return 0, the compiler has been putting that in for you. In the case of main, returning a 0 signifies successful completion, whereas any non-zero return value signifies an error.

  • So let’s look at hello-4.c:

     1#include <cs50.h>
     2#include <stdio.h>
     4int main(int argc, string argv[])
     6    if (argc == 2)
     7    {
     8        printf("hello, %s\n", argv[1]);
     9        return 0;
    10    }
    11    else
    12    {
    13        return 1;
    14    }
    • On line 6 we make sure that argc has a value of 2, and return 0 on line 9 if all went well. Otherwise, we return 1 on line 13 if something went wrong.

    • Now if we pass in any number of arguments beside 2, the program will exit, and though the user can’t see the return value of 1, we will later use a debugger that can:

      jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./hello-4 Zamyla
      hello, Zamyla
      jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./hello-4
      jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./hello-4 Rob is a proctor in Thayer
      jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop):
  • Also, string is the same as char*, but we’ll remove those training wheels soon and see what they actually are.

  • And the computer knows the value of argc because the blinking prompt is a program in itself that, working with the operating system, takes the words typed, and figures out argc and argv for you.

  • We can name argc and argv in our main function to be anything, but by convention they are what they are.

More on argv18:25

  • Let’s look a little more closely at argv:

    argv[0]     argv[1]
    | ./hello   | Zamyla    |  ...
  • Remember that a string is an array of characters, so we should really draw this picture:

    argv[0]                argv[1]
    |  ------------------  |  ----------------  |
    |  |.|/|h|e|l|l|o|\0|  |  |Z|a|m|y|l|a|\0|  |  ...
    |  ------------------  |  ----------------  |
    • Indeed, the little white boxes of each string are actually outside of the bigger boxes, but we won’t worry about that for now.

  • Let’s look at argv-1.c:

     1#include <cs50.h>
     2#include <stdio.h>
     4int main(int argc, string argv[])
     6    // print arguments
     7    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
     8    {
     9        printf("%s\n", argv[i]);
    10    }
    • This will print each argument, one per line:

      jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/src3m): make argv-1
      clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror    argv-1.c  -lcs50 -lm -o argv-1
      jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/src3m): ./argv-1
      jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/src3m): ./argv-1 foo
      jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/src3m): ./argv-1 foo bar
  • We can take this further in argv-2.c:

     1#include <cs50.h>
     2#include <stdio.h>
     3#include <string.h>
     5int main(int argc, string argv[])
     7    // print arguments
     8    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
     9    {
    10        for (int j = 0, n = strlen(argv[i]); j < n; j++)
    11        {
    12            printf("%c\n", argv[i][j]);
    13        }
    14        printf("\n");
    15    }
    • Now we go through each argument with line 8, but in line 10 we check the length of the argument stored in argv[i], store it in n, and use j as a counter to iterate through argv[i] since i was already used. Then in line 12 we use this new syntax, argv[i][j] that gets the i’th string and the j’th character in that string, and indeed this works as we expect:

      jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): make argv-2
      clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror    argv-2.c  -lcs50 -lm -o argv-2
      jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./argv-2
      jharvard@appliance (~/Desktop): ./argv-2 foo bar


  • So we’re just taking the same ideas and applying them. If we think about a phone book as an array with pages in each box, we can start to see a solution in another way.

  • A volunteer from the audience, Ajay, looks for the number 50 among 7 doors on the screen, and luckily finds it on the first try. The numbers were in random order, so the best we could have done, if we didn’t get lucky, is continue searching randomly until we find it.

  • We have another set of doors, this time sorted, and Ajay finds it luckily again. (After class, we sent Ajay to buy a lottery ticket on behalf of CS50, but haven’t heard from him since …​)

  • Time to play a clip from the past of this same demonstration, with Sean who wasn’t quite as lucky.

  • With the second set of doors, that are sorted, we can do much better. Much like the phonebook example, we can start in the middle, and divide the problem in half by moving in the direction we expect the number we want to be.

Bubble Sort30:15

  • Let’s take a closer look at sorting with 8 volunteers from the audience. We line them up with numbers on stage in this order:

    4    2    6    8    1    3    7    5
  • Let’s make the first swap at the beginning, since 4 and 2 were out of order:

    2    4    6    8    1    3    7    5
  • Continuing by going down and comparing numbers one pair at a time, swapping them as necessary:

    2    4    6    1    8    3    7    5
    2    4    6    1    3    8    7    5
    2    4    6    1    3    7    8    5
    2    4    6    1    3    7    5    8
  • So 8 has bubbled up to the end and we’re getting closer to the solution. Let’s run this again:

    2    4    6    1    3    7    5    8
    2    4    1    6    3    7    5    8
    2    4    1    3    6    7    5    8
    2    4    1    3    6    5    7    8
  • Now both 7 and 8 are correct. One more time:

    2    1    4    3    6    5    7    8
    2    1    3    4    6    5    7    8
    2    1    3    4    5    6    7    8
  • And again:

    2    1    3    4    5    6    7    8
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
  • How many steps did we take to sort these numbers? It may have seemed inefficient, because it was, so we take a loot at other algorithms.

  • This online demo shows various sorting algorithms, in particular bubble sort, moving bars in order of length. The longer bars "bubble" to the right, and the shorter bars "bubble" to the left.

Selection Sort36:00

  • Let’s try another algorithm, where we keep looking for the smallest element, and switch it (in constant time) with the first unsorted element:

    4    2    6    8    1    3    7    5
    1    2    6    8    4    3    7    5    // 1 is moved toward the front
    1    2    3    8    4    6    7    5    // 2 is moved toward the front
    1    2    3    4    8    6    7    5    // 3 is moved toward the front
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    // 4 is moved toward the front
    • This is called selection sort, and we see how it sorted differently again with this online demo.

Insertion Sort38:35

  • Let’s reset one more time:

    4    2    6    8    1    3    7    5
  • We take the first element, declare it to be sorted, and move the next one to its correct placement within the sorted part of the array.

    4    2    6    8    1    3    7    5    // 4 is sorted
    2    4    6    8    1    3    7    5    // we move 2 to in front of 4
    2    4    6    8    1    3    7    5    // 6 is sorted
    2    4    6    8    1    3    7    5    // 8 is sorted
    1    2    4    6    8    3    7    5    // we move 1 to the beginning
    1    2    3    4    6    8    7    5    // we move 3 to its location
    1    2    3    4    6    7    8    5    // we move 7 to its location
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    // we move 5 to its location
    • And the demo has another "feel" with little gaps that we fix over time.

  • It turns out that all of these algorithms are fundamentally equivalent in efficiency once n (the number of items to sort) is sufficiently large.

  • Finally, we watch what different sorting algorithms sound like to get a feel for them in another way.