SUSAN WOJCICKI: Hello world. I'm Susan Wojcicki. I'm the CEO of YouTube. And I took the CS50 when I was a senior at Harvard in 1990. I was actually a history and literature major, and my junior summer I realized that maybe I wanted to learn something about computers. And so I came back, I took CS50. It was hard, but it was the most amazing class I took. It changed how I think about everything. And when I graduated from Harvard in 1990, I went to Silicon Valley, and I got a job, and I've been working in tech ever since. So CS50 changed my life. I continue to learn and build. It gave me a great foundation. And I'm continuing to learn every day as the technology changes. And I think it's so wonderful that you're all taking it, because that's how the world is going to change going forward. There's just going to be more and more opportunity and innovation, digital's going to affect our lives even more than that already has. And it's wonderful that you're all taking CS50. So this is CS50.