WEBVTT 1 00:00:10.000 --> 00:03:25.000 Grades 2 00:03:25.000 --> 00:04:28.000 Warriors of the Net 3 00:04:28.000 --> 00:11:21.000 Problem Set 5 4 00:11:21.000 --> 00:15:13.000 SHA 5 00:15:13.000 --> 00:15:31.000 Puppies 6 00:15:31.000 --> 00:16:35.000 Intro to the Web 7 00:16:35.000 --> 00:21:45.000 IP Addresses 8 00:21:45.000 --> 00:23:00.000 IPs in the Media 9 00:23:00.000 --> 00:26:55.000 DNS 10 00:26:55.000 --> 00:29:48.000 nslookup 11 00:29:48.000 --> 00:35:32.000 traceroute 12 00:35:32.000 --> 00:36:39.000 Undersea Cabling 13 00:36:39.000 --> 00:42:37.000 Network Packets 14 00:42:37.000 --> 00:45:18.000 Ports 15 00:45:18.000 --> 00:50:44.000 Firewalls 16 00:50:44.000 --> 00:55:08.000 VPN 17 00:55:08.000 --> 00:56:20.000 HTTP 18 00:56:20.000 --> 01:03:19.000 GET 19 01:03:19.000 --> 01:04:40.000 POST 20 01:04:40.000 --> 01:07:33.000 HTML 21 01:07:33.000 --> 01:07:52.000 CSS 22 01:07:52.000 --> 01:09:07.000 Hacking 23 01:09:07.000 --> 01:09:29.000 Outro