// // server.c // // Computer Science 50 // Problem Set 6 // // feature test macro requirements #define _GNU_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED // limits on an HTTP request's size, based on Apache's // http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html #define LimitRequestFields 50 #define LimitRequestFieldSize 4094 #define LimitRequestLine 8190 // number of bytes for buffers #define BYTES 512 // header files #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // types typedef char BYTE; // prototypes bool connected(void); void error(unsigned short code); void freedir(struct dirent** namelist, int n); void handler(int signal); char* htmlspecialchars(const char* s); char* indexes(const char* path); void interpret(const char* path, const char* query); void list(const char* path); bool load(FILE* file, BYTE** content, size_t* length); const char* lookup(const char* path); bool parse(const char* line, char* path, char* query); const char* reason(unsigned short code); void redirect(const char* uri); bool request(char** message, size_t* length); void respond(int code, const char* headers, const char* body, size_t length); void start(short port, const char* path); void stop(void); void transfer(const char* path, const char* type); char* urldecode(const char* s); // server's root char* root = NULL; // file descriptor for sockets int cfd = -1, sfd = -1; // flag indicating whether control-c has been heard bool signaled = false; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // a global variable defined in errno.h that's "set by system // calls and some library functions [to a nonzero value] // in the event of an error to indicate what went wrong" errno = 0; // default to port 8080 int port = 8080; // usage const char* usage = "Usage: server [-p port] /path/to/root"; // parse command-line arguments int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hp:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { // -h case 'h': printf("%s\n", usage); return 0; // -p port case 'p': port = atoi(optarg); break; } } // ensure port is a non-negative short and path to server's root is specified if (port < 0 || port > SHRT_MAX || argv[optind] == NULL || strlen(argv[optind]) == 0) { // announce usage printf("%s\n", usage); // return 2 just like bash's builtins return 2; } // start server start(port, argv[optind]); // listen for SIGINT (aka control-c) struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = handler; act.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); // a message and its length char* message = NULL; size_t length = 0; // path requested char* path = NULL; // accept connections one at a time while (true) { // free last path, if any if (path != NULL) { free(path); path = NULL; } // free last message, if any if (message != NULL) { free(message); message = NULL; } length = 0; // close last client's socket, if any if (cfd != -1) { close(cfd); cfd = -1; } // check for control-c if (signaled) { stop(); } // check whether client has connected if (connected()) { // check for request if (request(&message, &length)) { // extract message's request-line // http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html const char* haystack = message; const char* needle = strstr(haystack, "\r\n"); if (needle == NULL) { error(500); continue; } char line[needle - haystack + 2 + 1]; strncpy(line, haystack, needle - haystack + 2); line[needle - haystack + 2] = '\0'; // log request-line printf("%s", line); // parse request-line char abs_path[LimitRequestLine + 1]; char query[LimitRequestLine + 1]; if (parse(line, abs_path, query)) { // URL-decode absolute-path char* p = urldecode(abs_path); if (p == NULL) { error(500); continue; } // resolve absolute-path to local path path = malloc(strlen(root) + strlen(p) + 1); if (path == NULL) { error(500); continue; } strcpy(path, root); strcat(path, p); free(p); // ensure path exists if (access(path, F_OK) == -1) { error(404); continue; } // if path to directory struct stat sb; if (stat(path, &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { // redirect from absolute-path to absolute-path/ if (abs_path[strlen(abs_path) - 1] != '/') { char uri[strlen(abs_path) + 1 + 1]; strcpy(uri, abs_path); strcat(uri, "/"); redirect(uri); continue; } // use path/index.php or path/index.html, if present, instead of directory's path char* index = indexes(path); if (index != NULL) { free(path); path = index; } // list contents of directory else { list(path); continue; } } // look up MIME type for file at path const char* type = lookup(path); if (type == NULL) { error(501); continue; } // interpret PHP script at path if (strcasecmp("text/x-php", type) == 0) { interpret(path, query); } // transfer file at path else { transfer(path, type); } } } } } } /** * Checks (without blocking) whether a client has connected to server. * Returns true iff so. */ bool connected(void) { struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; memset(&cli_addr, 0, sizeof(cli_addr)); socklen_t cli_len = sizeof(cli_addr); cfd = accept(sfd, (struct sockaddr*) &cli_addr, &cli_len); if (cfd == -1) { return false; } return true; } /** * Responds to client with specified status code. */ void error(unsigned short code) { // determine code's reason-phrase const char* phrase = reason(code); if (phrase == NULL) { return; } // template for response's content char* template = "%i %s

%i %s

"; // render template char body[(strlen(template) - 2 - ((int) log10(code) + 1) - 2 + strlen(phrase)) * 2 + 1]; int length = sprintf(body, template, code, phrase, code, phrase); if (length < 0) { body[0] = '\0'; length = 0; } // respond with error char* headers = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"; respond(code, headers, body, length); } /** * Frees memory allocated by scandir. */ void freedir(struct dirent** namelist, int n) { if (namelist != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { free(namelist[i]); } free(namelist); } } /** * Handles signals. */ void handler(int signal) { // control-c if (signal == SIGINT) { signaled = true; } } /** * Escapes string for HTML. Returns dynamically allocated memory for escaped * string that must be deallocated by caller. */ char* htmlspecialchars(const char* s) { // ensure s is not NULL if (s == NULL) { return NULL; } // allocate enough space for an unescaped copy of s char* t = malloc(strlen(s) + 1); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } t[0] = '\0'; // iterate over characters in s, escaping as needed for (int i = 0, old = strlen(s), new = old; i < old; i++) { // escape & if (s[i] == '&') { const char* entity = "&"; new += strlen(entity); t = realloc(t, new); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } strcat(t, entity); } // escape " else if (s[i] == '"') { const char* entity = """; new += strlen(entity); t = realloc(t, new); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } strcat(t, entity); } // escape ' else if (s[i] == '\'') { const char* entity = "'"; new += strlen(entity); t = realloc(t, new); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } strcat(t, entity); } // escape < else if (s[i] == '<') { const char* entity = "<"; new += strlen(entity); t = realloc(t, new); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } strcat(t, entity); } // escape > else if (s[i] == '>') { const char* entity = ">"; new += strlen(entity); t = realloc(t, new); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } strcat(t, entity); } // don't escape else { strncat(t, s + i, 1); } } // escaped string return t; } /** * Checks, in order, whether index.php or index.html exists inside of path. * Returns path to first match if so, else NULL. */ char* indexes(const char* path) { // TODO return NULL; } /** * Interprets PHP file at path using query string. */ void interpret(const char* path, const char* query) { // ensure path is readable if (access(path, R_OK) == -1) { error(403); return; } // open pipe to PHP interpreter char* format = "QUERY_STRING=\"%s\" REDIRECT_STATUS=200 SCRIPT_FILENAME=\"%s\" php-cgi"; char command[strlen(format) + (strlen(path) - 2) + (strlen(query) - 2) + 1]; if (sprintf(command, format, query, path) < 0) { error(500); return; } FILE* file = popen(command, "r"); if (file == NULL) { error(500); return; } // load interpreter's content char* content; size_t length; if (load(file, &content, &length) == false) { error(500); return; } // close pipe pclose(file); // subtract php-cgi's headers from content's length to get body's length char* haystack = content; char* needle = strstr(haystack, "\r\n\r\n"); if (needle == NULL) { free(content); error(500); return; } // extract headers char headers[needle + 2 - haystack + 1]; strncpy(headers, content, needle + 2 - haystack); headers[needle + 2 - haystack] = '\0'; // respond with interpreter's content respond(200, headers, needle + 4, length - (needle - haystack + 4)); // free interpreter's content free(content); } /** * Responds to client with directory listing of path. */ void list(const char* path) { // ensure path is readable and executable if (access(path, R_OK | X_OK) == -1) { error(403); return; } // open directory DIR* dir = opendir(path); if (dir == NULL) { return; } // buffer for list items char* list = malloc(1); list[0] = '\0'; // iterate over directory entries struct dirent** namelist = NULL; int n = scandir(path, &namelist, NULL, alphasort); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // omit . from list if (strcmp(namelist[i]->d_name, ".") == 0) { continue; } // escape entry's name char* name = htmlspecialchars(namelist[i]->d_name); if (name == NULL) { free(list); freedir(namelist, n); error(500); return; } // append list item to buffer char* template = "
  • %s
  • "; list = realloc(list, strlen(list) + strlen(template) - 2 + strlen(name) - 2 + strlen(name) + 1); if (list == NULL) { free(name); freedir(namelist, n); error(500); return; } if (sprintf(list + strlen(list), template, name, name) < 0) { free(name); freedir(namelist, n); free(list); error(500); return; } // free escaped name free(name); } // free memory allocated by scandir freedir(namelist, n); // prepare response const char* relative = path + strlen(root); char* template = "%s


    "; char body[strlen(template) - 2 + strlen(relative) - 2 + strlen(relative) - 2 + strlen(list) + 1]; int length = sprintf(body, template, relative, relative, list); if (length < 0) { free(list); closedir(dir); error(500); return; } // free buffer free(list); // close directory closedir(dir); // respond with list char* headers = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"; respond(200, headers, body, length); } /** * Loads a file into memory dynamically allocated on heap. * Stores address thereof in *content and length thereof in *length. */ bool load(FILE* file, BYTE** content, size_t* length) { // TODO return false; } /** * Returns MIME type for supported extensions, else NULL. */ const char* lookup(const char* path) { // TODO return NULL; } /** * Parses a request-line, storing its absolute-path at abs_path * and its query string at query, both of which are assumed * to be at least of length LimitRequestLine + 1. */ bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query) { // TODO error(501); return false; } /** * Returns status code's reason phrase. * * http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html#sec6 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324 */ const char* reason(unsigned short code) { switch (code) { case 200: return "OK"; case 301: return "Moved Permanently"; case 400: return "Bad Request"; case 403: return "Forbidden"; case 404: return "Not Found"; case 405: return "Method Not Allowed"; case 414: return "Request-URI Too Long"; case 418: return "I'm a teapot"; case 500: return "Internal Server Error"; case 501: return "Not Implemented"; case 505: return "HTTP Version Not Supported"; default: return NULL; } } /** * Redirects client to uri. */ void redirect(const char* uri) { char* template = "Location: %s\r\n"; char headers[strlen(template) - 2 + strlen(uri) + 1]; if (sprintf(headers, template, uri) < 0) { error(500); return; } respond(301, headers, NULL, 0); } /** * Reads (without blocking) an HTTP request's headers into memory dynamically allocated on heap. * Stores address thereof in *message and length thereof in *length. */ bool request(char** message, size_t* length) { // ensure socket is open if (cfd == -1) { return false; } // initialize message and its length *message = NULL; *length = 0; // read message while (*length < LimitRequestLine + LimitRequestFields * LimitRequestFieldSize + 4) { // read from socket BYTE buffer[BYTES]; ssize_t bytes = read(cfd, buffer, BYTES); if (bytes < 0) { if (*message != NULL) { free(*message); *message = NULL; } *length = 0; break; } // append bytes to message *message = realloc(*message, *length + bytes + 1); if (*message == NULL) { *length = 0; break; } memcpy(*message + *length, buffer, bytes); *length += bytes; // null-terminate message thus far *(*message + *length) = '\0'; // search for CRLF CRLF int offset = (*length - bytes < 3) ? *length - bytes : 3; char* haystack = *message + *length - bytes - offset; char* needle = strstr(haystack, "\r\n\r\n"); if (needle != NULL) { // trim to one CRLF and null-terminate *length = needle - *message + 2; *message = realloc(*message, *length + 1); if (*message == NULL) { break; } *(*message + *length) = '\0'; // ensure request-line is no longer than LimitRequestLine haystack = *message; needle = strstr(haystack, "\r\n"); if (needle == NULL || (needle - haystack + 2) > LimitRequestLine) { break; } // count fields in message int fields = 0; haystack = needle + 2; while (*haystack != '\0') { // look for CRLF needle = strstr(haystack, "\r\n"); if (needle == NULL) { break; } // ensure field is no longer than LimitRequestFieldSize if (needle - haystack + 2 > LimitRequestFieldSize) { break; } // look beyond CRLF haystack = needle + 2; } // if we didn't get to end of message, we must have erred if (*haystack != '\0') { break; } // ensure message has no more than LimitRequestFields if (fields > LimitRequestFields) { break; } // valid return true; } } // invalid if (*message != NULL) { free(*message); } *message = NULL; *length = 0; return false; } /** * Responds to a client with status code, headers, and body of specified length. */ void respond(int code, const char* headers, const char* body, size_t length) { // determine Status-Line's phrase // http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html#sec6.1 const char* phrase = reason(code); if (phrase == NULL) { return; } // respond with Status-Line if (dprintf(cfd, "HTTP/1.1 %i %s\r\n", code, phrase) < 0) { return; } // respond with headers if (dprintf(cfd, "%s", headers) < 0) { return; } // respond with CRLF if (dprintf(cfd, "\r\n") < 0) { return; } // respond with body if (write(cfd, body, length) == -1) { return; } // log response line if (code == 200) { // green printf("\033[32m"); } else { // red printf("\033[33m"); } printf("HTTP/1.1 %i %s", code, phrase); printf("\033[39m\n"); } /** * Starts server on specified port rooted at path. */ void start(short port, const char* path) { // path to server's root root = realpath(path, NULL); if (root == NULL) { stop(); } // ensure root is executable if (access(root, X_OK) == -1) { stop(); } // announce root printf("\033[33m"); printf("Using %s for server's root", root); printf("\033[39m\n"); // create a socket sfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sfd == -1) { stop(); } // allow reuse of address (to avoid "Address already in use") int optval = 1; setsockopt(sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof(optval)); // assign name to socket struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port); serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (bind(sfd, (struct sockaddr*) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) == -1) { printf("\033[33m"); printf("Port %i already in use", port); printf("\033[39m\n"); stop(); } // listen for connections if (listen(sfd, SOMAXCONN) == -1) { stop(); } // announce port in use struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(sfd, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &addrlen) == -1) { stop(); } printf("\033[33m"); printf("Listening on port %i", ntohs(addr.sin_port)); printf("\033[39m\n"); } /** * Stop server, deallocating any resources. */ void stop(void) { // preserve errno across this function's library calls int errsv = errno; // announce stop printf("\033[33m"); printf("Stopping server\n"); printf("\033[39m"); // free root, which was allocated by realpath if (root != NULL) { free(root); } // close server socket if (sfd != -1) { close(sfd); } // stop server exit(errsv); } /** * Transfers file at path with specified type to client. */ void transfer(const char* path, const char* type) { // ensure path is readable if (access(path, R_OK) == -1) { error(403); return; } // open file FILE* file = fopen(path, "r"); if (file == NULL) { error(500); return; } // load file's content BYTE* content; size_t length; if (load(file, &content, &length) == false) { error(500); return; } // close file fclose(file); // prepare response char* template = "Content-Type: %s\r\n"; char headers[strlen(template) - 2 + strlen(type) + 1]; if (sprintf(headers, template, type) < 0) { error(500); return; } // respond with file's content respond(200, headers, content, length); // free file's content free(content); } /** * URL-decodes string, returning dynamically allocated memory for decoded string * that must be deallocated by caller. */ char* urldecode(const char* s) { // check whether s is NULL if (s == NULL) { return NULL; } // allocate enough (zeroed) memory for an undecoded copy of s char* t = calloc(strlen(s) + 1, 1); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } // iterate over characters in s, decoding percent-encoded octets, per // https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt for (int i = 0, j = 0, n = strlen(s); i < n; i++, j++) { if (s[i] == '%' && i < n - 2) { char octet[3]; octet[0] = s[i + 1]; octet[1] = s[i + 2]; octet[2] = '\0'; t[j] = (char) strtol(octet, NULL, 16); i += 2; } else if (s[i] == '+') { t[j] = ' '; } else { t[j] = s[i]; } } // escaped string return t; }