1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,330 2 00:00:05,330 --> 00:00:07,870 SPEAKER: So far, it's likely that most of your programs 3 00:00:07,870 --> 00:00:10,170 have been a bit ephemeral. 4 00:00:10,170 --> 00:00:13,310 You run a program like Mario or Greedy. 5 00:00:13,310 --> 00:00:17,350 It does something, it maybe prompts the user for some information, 6 00:00:17,350 --> 00:00:20,400 print some output to the screen, but then when your program's over, 7 00:00:20,400 --> 00:00:23,252 there's really no evidence there it was ever run in the first place. 8 00:00:23,252 --> 00:00:25,960 I mean, sure, you might have left it open in the terminal window, 9 00:00:25,960 --> 00:00:29,770 but if you clear your screen, there's really no evidence that it existed. 10 00:00:29,770 --> 00:00:33,720 We don't have a means of storing persistent information, information 11 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:36,890 that exists after our program has stopped running, 12 00:00:36,890 --> 00:00:39,241 or we haven't up to this point. 13 00:00:39,241 --> 00:00:41,490 Fortunately though, c does provide us with the ability 14 00:00:41,490 --> 00:00:44,220 to do this by implementing something called 15 00:00:44,220 --> 00:00:48,330 a file, a structure that basically represents a file that you would double 16 00:00:48,330 --> 00:00:53,826 click on your computer, if you're used to a graphical user environment. 17 00:00:53,826 --> 00:00:55,700 Generally when working with c, we're actually 18 00:00:55,700 --> 00:00:59,965 going to be working with pointers to files-- file stars-- 19 00:00:59,965 --> 00:01:02,090 except for a little bit when we talk about a couple 20 00:01:02,090 --> 00:01:04,560 of the functions that work with file pointers. 21 00:01:04,560 --> 00:01:08,990 You don't need to have really dug too deep into understanding pointers 22 00:01:08,990 --> 00:01:09,730 themselves. 23 00:01:09,730 --> 00:01:12,870 There's a little teeny bit where we will talk about them, 24 00:01:12,870 --> 00:01:18,090 but generally file pointers and pointers, while interrelated, 25 00:01:18,090 --> 00:01:20,290 are not exactly the same thing. 26 00:01:20,290 --> 00:01:22,440 Now what do I mean when I say persistent data? 27 00:01:22,440 --> 00:01:23,650 What is persistent data? 28 00:01:23,650 --> 00:01:25,232 Why do we care about it? 29 00:01:25,232 --> 00:01:27,190 Say, for example, that you're running a program 30 00:01:27,190 --> 00:01:29,850 or you've rewritten a program that's a game, 31 00:01:29,850 --> 00:01:32,960 and you want to keep track of all of the user's moves 32 00:01:32,960 --> 00:01:36,620 so that maybe if something goes wrong, you can review the file after the game. 33 00:01:36,620 --> 00:01:39,970 That's what we mean when we talk about persistent data. 34 00:01:39,970 --> 00:01:43,930 In the course of running your program, a file is created. 35 00:01:43,930 --> 00:01:45,680 And when your program has stopped running, 36 00:01:45,680 --> 00:01:48,689 that file still exists on your system. 37 00:01:48,689 --> 00:01:50,230 And we can look at it and examine it. 38 00:01:50,230 --> 00:01:53,670 And so that program would be set to have created some persistent data, 39 00:01:53,670 --> 00:01:57,390 data exist after the program has finished running. 40 00:01:57,390 --> 00:02:02,320 Now all of these functions that work with creating files and manipulating 41 00:02:02,320 --> 00:02:04,940 them in various ways live in standard io.h, 42 00:02:04,940 --> 00:02:08,210 which is a header file that you've likely been pound 43 00:02:08,210 --> 00:02:10,910 including at the top of pretty much all of your programs 44 00:02:10,910 --> 00:02:14,130 because it contains one of the most useful functions for us, 45 00:02:14,130 --> 00:02:16,130 printf, that also lets lives in standard io.h. 46 00:02:16,130 --> 00:02:20,400 So you don't need to pound include any additional files probably 47 00:02:20,400 --> 00:02:23,540 in order to work with file pointers. 48 00:02:23,540 --> 00:02:29,980 Now every single file pointer function, or every single file I/O, input output 49 00:02:29,980 --> 00:02:33,310 function, accepts as one of its parameters or inputs 50 00:02:33,310 --> 00:02:35,822 a file pointer-- except for one, fopen, which 51 00:02:35,822 --> 00:02:38,280 is what you use to get the file pointer in the first place. 52 00:02:38,280 --> 00:02:41,010 But after you've opened the file and you get file pointers, 53 00:02:41,010 --> 00:02:43,510 you can then pass them as arguments to the various functions 54 00:02:43,510 --> 00:02:46,720 we're going to talk about today, as well as many others 55 00:02:46,720 --> 00:02:48,520 so that you can work with files. 56 00:02:48,520 --> 00:02:50,980 So there are six pretty common basic ones 57 00:02:50,980 --> 00:02:52,870 that we're going to talk about today. 58 00:02:52,870 --> 00:02:57,160 fopen and its companion function fclose, fgetc 59 00:02:57,160 --> 00:03:02,670 and its companion function fputc, and fread and its companion function, 60 00:03:02,670 --> 00:03:03,820 fwrite. 61 00:03:03,820 --> 00:03:05,180 So let's get right into it. 62 00:03:05,180 --> 00:03:07,050 fopen-- what does it do? 63 00:03:07,050 --> 00:03:10,050 Well, it opens a file and it gives you a file pointer to it, 64 00:03:10,050 --> 00:03:14,000 so that you can then use that file pointer as an argument 65 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:16,730 to any of the other file I/O functions. 66 00:03:16,730 --> 00:03:19,100 The most important thing to remember with fopen 67 00:03:19,100 --> 00:03:24,222 is that after you have opened the file or made a call like the one here, 68 00:03:24,222 --> 00:03:26,930 you need to check to make sure that the pointer that you got back 69 00:03:26,930 --> 00:03:28,320 is not equal to null. 70 00:03:28,320 --> 00:03:31,320 If you haven't watched the video on pointers, this might not make sense. 71 00:03:31,320 --> 00:03:35,639 But if you try and dereference a null pointer recall, 72 00:03:35,639 --> 00:03:38,180 your program will probably suffer a segmentation [INAUDIBLE]. 73 00:03:38,180 --> 00:03:40,540 We want to make sure that we got a legitimate pointer back. 74 00:03:40,540 --> 00:03:43,665 The vast majority of the time we will have gotten a legitimate pointer back 75 00:03:43,665 --> 00:03:45,280 and it won't be a problem. 76 00:03:45,280 --> 00:03:46,760 So how do we make a call to fopen? 77 00:03:46,760 --> 00:03:48,051 It looks pretty much like this. 78 00:03:48,051 --> 00:03:52,690 File star ptr-- ptr being a generic name for file pointer-- fopen 79 00:03:52,690 --> 00:03:57,300 and we pass in two things, a file name and an operation we want to undertake. 80 00:03:57,300 --> 00:04:01,690 So we might have a call that looks like this-- file star ptr 1 equals fopen 81 00:04:01,690 --> 00:04:04,040 file1.txt. 82 00:04:04,040 --> 00:04:07,020 And the operation I've chosen is r. 83 00:04:07,020 --> 00:04:08,639 So what do you think r is here? 84 00:04:08,639 --> 00:04:11,180 What are the kinds of things we might be able to do to files? 85 00:04:11,180 --> 00:04:13,760 86 00:04:13,760 --> 00:04:17,500 So r is the operation that we choose when we want to read a file. 87 00:04:17,500 --> 00:04:20,260 So we would basically when we make a call like this 88 00:04:20,260 --> 00:04:25,440 be getting ourselves a file pointer such that we could then read information 89 00:04:25,440 --> 00:04:27,770 from file1.txt. 90 00:04:27,770 --> 00:04:34,190 Similarly, we could open file 2.txt for writing and so we can pass ptr2, 91 00:04:34,190 --> 00:04:38,210 the file pointer I've created here, as an argument to any function that 92 00:04:38,210 --> 00:04:40,080 writes information to a file. 93 00:04:40,080 --> 00:04:43,767 And similar to writing, there's also the option to append, a. 94 00:04:43,767 --> 00:04:45,600 The difference between writing and appending 95 00:04:45,600 --> 00:04:50,920 being that when you write to a file, if you make a call to fopen for writing 96 00:04:50,920 --> 00:04:54,761 and that file already exists, it's going to overwrite the entire file. 97 00:04:54,761 --> 00:04:56,510 It's going to start at the very beginning, 98 00:04:56,510 --> 00:04:58,820 deleting all the information that's already there. 99 00:04:58,820 --> 00:05:02,210 Whereas if you open it for appending, it will go to the end of the file 100 00:05:02,210 --> 00:05:04,340 if there's already text in it or information in it, 101 00:05:04,340 --> 00:05:06,040 and it will then start writing from there. 102 00:05:06,040 --> 00:05:08,570 So you won't lose any of the information you've done before. 103 00:05:08,570 --> 00:05:12,110 Whether you want to write or append sort of depends on the situation. 104 00:05:12,110 --> 00:05:16,840 But you'll probably know what the right operation is when the time comes. 105 00:05:16,840 --> 00:05:18,020 So that's fopen. 106 00:05:18,020 --> 00:05:18,930 What about fclose? 107 00:05:18,930 --> 00:05:21,600 Well, pretty simply, fclose just accepts the file pointer. 108 00:05:21,600 --> 00:05:24,000 And as you might expect, it closes that file. 109 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:29,270 And once we've closed a file, we can't perform any more file I/O functions, 110 00:05:29,270 --> 00:05:31,420 reading or writing, on that file. 111 00:05:31,420 --> 00:05:36,444 We have to re-open the file another time in order 112 00:05:36,444 --> 00:05:38,610 to continue working with it using the I/O functions. 113 00:05:38,610 --> 00:05:41,520 So fclose means we're done working with this file. 114 00:05:41,520 --> 00:05:44,690 And all we need to pass in is the name of a file pointer. 115 00:05:44,690 --> 00:05:50,010 So on a couple slides ago, we fopened file 1 dot text for reading 116 00:05:50,010 --> 00:05:52,854 and we assigned that file pointer to ptr1. 117 00:05:52,854 --> 00:05:55,020 Now we've decided we're done reading from that file. 118 00:05:55,020 --> 00:05:56,561 We don't need to do any more with it. 119 00:05:56,561 --> 00:05:58,890 We can just fclose ptr1. 120 00:05:58,890 --> 00:06:01,950 And similarly, could we fclose the other ones. 121 00:06:01,950 --> 00:06:02,450 All right. 122 00:06:02,450 --> 00:06:03,700 So that's opening and closing. 123 00:06:03,700 --> 00:06:05,780 Those are the two basic starting operations. 124 00:06:05,780 --> 00:06:08,050 Now we want to actually do some interesting stuff, 125 00:06:08,050 --> 00:06:11,940 and the first function that we'll see that will do that is fgetc-- 126 00:06:11,940 --> 00:06:14,110 file get a character. 127 00:06:14,110 --> 00:06:17,350 That's what fgetc generally would translate to. 128 00:06:17,350 --> 00:06:20,190 Its goal in life is to read the next character, 129 00:06:20,190 --> 00:06:22,079 or if this is your very first call to fgetc 130 00:06:22,079 --> 00:06:23,870 for a particular file, the first character. 131 00:06:23,870 --> 00:06:26,210 But then after that, you get the next one, 132 00:06:26,210 --> 00:06:31,500 the very next character of that file, and stores it in a character variable. 133 00:06:31,500 --> 00:06:34,490 As we've done here, char ch equals fgetc, 134 00:06:34,490 --> 00:06:36,389 pass in the name of a file pointer. 135 00:06:36,389 --> 00:06:38,180 Again, it's very important here to remember 136 00:06:38,180 --> 00:06:41,430 that in order to have this operation succeed, 137 00:06:41,430 --> 00:06:45,690 the file pointer itself must've been opened for reading. 138 00:06:45,690 --> 00:06:50,589 We can't read a character from a file pointer that we opened for writing. 139 00:06:50,589 --> 00:06:52,630 So that's one of the limitations of fopen, right? 140 00:06:52,630 --> 00:06:55,470 We have to restrict ourselves to only performing 141 00:06:55,470 --> 00:06:57,710 one operation with one file pointer. 142 00:06:57,710 --> 00:07:00,220 If we wanted to read and write from the same file, 143 00:07:00,220 --> 00:07:03,840 we would have open two separate file pointers to the same file-- 144 00:07:03,840 --> 00:07:05,670 one for reading, one for writing. 145 00:07:05,670 --> 00:07:08,400 So again, the only reason I bring that up now is 146 00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:11,920 because if we're going to make a call to fgetc, that file pointer must've 147 00:07:11,920 --> 00:07:14,172 been opened for reading. 148 00:07:14,172 --> 00:07:15,880 And then pretty simply, all we need to do 149 00:07:15,880 --> 00:07:17,546 is pass in the name of the file pointer. 150 00:07:17,546 --> 00:07:21,060 So char ch equals fgetc ptr1. 151 00:07:21,060 --> 00:07:23,200 That's going to get us the next character-- 152 00:07:23,200 --> 00:07:25,575 or again, if this is the first time we've made this call, 153 00:07:25,575 --> 00:07:29,750 the first character-- of whatever file is pointed to by ptr1. 154 00:07:29,750 --> 00:07:32,210 Recall that that was file 1 dot text. 155 00:07:32,210 --> 00:07:36,490 It'll get the first character of that and we'll store it in the variable ch. 156 00:07:36,490 --> 00:07:37,941 Pretty straightforward. 157 00:07:37,941 --> 00:07:40,190 So we've only looked at three functions and already we 158 00:07:40,190 --> 00:07:43,070 can do something pretty neat. 159 00:07:43,070 --> 00:07:46,320 So if we take this ability of getting a character 160 00:07:46,320 --> 00:07:48,943 and we loop it-- so we continue to get characters 161 00:07:48,943 --> 00:07:51,390 from a file over and over and over-- now we 162 00:07:51,390 --> 00:07:54,500 can read every single character of a file. 163 00:07:54,500 --> 00:07:58,670 And if we print every character immediately after we read it, 164 00:07:58,670 --> 00:08:01,960 we have now read from a file and printed its contents to the screen. 165 00:08:01,960 --> 00:08:05,610 We've effectively concatenated that file on the screen. 166 00:08:05,610 --> 00:08:09,670 And that's what the Linux command cat does. 167 00:08:09,670 --> 00:08:13,250 If you type cat in the file name, it will print out the entire contents 168 00:08:13,250 --> 00:08:15,160 of the file in your terminal window. 169 00:08:15,160 --> 00:08:19,010 And so this little loop here, only three lines of code, 170 00:08:19,010 --> 00:08:23,270 but it effectively duplicates the Linux command cat. 171 00:08:23,270 --> 00:08:25,210 So this syntax might look a little weird, 172 00:08:25,210 --> 00:08:26,670 but here's what's happening here. 173 00:08:26,670 --> 00:08:31,460 While ch equals fgetc, ptr is not equal to EOF-- it's a whole mouthful, 174 00:08:31,460 --> 00:08:34,669 but let's break it down just so it's clear on the syntax. 175 00:08:34,669 --> 00:08:37,169 I've consolidated it for the sake of space, 176 00:08:37,169 --> 00:08:39,049 although it's a little syntactically tricky. 177 00:08:39,049 --> 00:08:41,194 So this part in green right now, what is it doing? 178 00:08:41,194 --> 00:08:42,860 Well, that's just our fgetc call, right? 179 00:08:42,860 --> 00:08:44,530 We've seen that before. 180 00:08:44,530 --> 00:08:49,500 It's obtaining one character from the file. 181 00:08:49,500 --> 00:08:53,220 Then we compare that character against EOF. 182 00:08:53,220 --> 00:08:57,470 EOF is a special value that's defined in standard io.h, which 183 00:08:57,470 --> 00:08:59,390 is the end of file character. 184 00:08:59,390 --> 00:09:03,450 So basically what's going to happen is this loop will read a character, 185 00:09:03,450 --> 00:09:07,445 compare it to EOF, the end of file character. 186 00:09:07,445 --> 00:09:10,070 If they don't match, so we haven't reached the end of the file, 187 00:09:10,070 --> 00:09:11,490 we'll print that character out. 188 00:09:11,490 --> 00:09:13,740 Then we'll go back to the beginning of the loop again. 189 00:09:13,740 --> 00:09:18,310 We'll get a character, check against EOF, print it out, and so on 190 00:09:18,310 --> 00:09:21,094 and so on and so on, looping through in that way 191 00:09:21,094 --> 00:09:22,760 until we've reached the end of the file. 192 00:09:22,760 --> 00:09:24,593 And then by that point, we will have printed 193 00:09:24,593 --> 00:09:26,210 out the entire contents of the file. 194 00:09:26,210 --> 00:09:29,450 So again, we've only seen fopen, fclose, and fgetc 195 00:09:29,450 --> 00:09:34,950 and already we can duplicate a Linux terminal command. 196 00:09:34,950 --> 00:09:38,850 As I said at the beginning, we had fgetc and fputc, 197 00:09:38,850 --> 00:09:41,860 and fputc was the companion function of fgetc. 198 00:09:41,860 --> 00:09:44,880 And so, as you might imagine, it is the writing equivalent. 199 00:09:44,880 --> 00:09:49,440 It allows us to write a single character to a file. 200 00:09:49,440 --> 00:09:53,290 Again, the caveat being, just like it was with fgetc, the file 201 00:09:53,290 --> 00:09:56,660 that we're writing to must've been opened for writing or for appending. 202 00:09:56,660 --> 00:10:00,820 If we try and use fputc on a file that we've opened for reading, 203 00:10:00,820 --> 00:10:02,760 we're going to suffer a bit of a mistake. 204 00:10:02,760 --> 00:10:04,440 But the call is pretty simple. 205 00:10:04,440 --> 00:10:08,000 fputc capital A ptr2, all that's going to do is it's 206 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:12,040 going to write the letter into A into file 2 dot 207 00:10:12,040 --> 00:10:14,760 text, which was the name of the file that we opened and assigned 208 00:10:14,760 --> 00:10:17,280 the pointer to ptr2. 209 00:10:17,280 --> 00:10:20,430 So we're going to write a capital A to file 2 dot text. 210 00:10:20,430 --> 00:10:24,592 And we'll write an exclamation point to file 3 dot 211 00:10:24,592 --> 00:10:27,330 text, which was pointed to by ptr3. 212 00:10:27,330 --> 00:10:29,730 So again, pretty straightforward here. 213 00:10:29,730 --> 00:10:32,727 But now we can do another thing. 214 00:10:32,727 --> 00:10:34,560 We have this example we were just going over 215 00:10:34,560 --> 00:10:38,950 about being able to replicate the cat Linux command, the one that prints out 216 00:10:38,950 --> 00:10:40,500 to the screen. 217 00:10:40,500 --> 00:10:43,510 Well, now that we have the ability to read characters from files 218 00:10:43,510 --> 00:10:46,590 and write characters to files, why don't we just substitute that 219 00:10:46,590 --> 00:10:50,720 call to printf with a call to fputc. 220 00:10:50,720 --> 00:10:54,090 And now we've duplicated cp, a very basic Linux command 221 00:10:54,090 --> 00:10:59,100 that we talked about way long ago in the Linux commands video. 222 00:10:59,100 --> 00:11:01,070 We've effectively duplicated that right here. 223 00:11:01,070 --> 00:11:04,790 We're reading a character and then we're writing that character to another file. 224 00:11:04,790 --> 00:11:07,660 Reading from one file, writing to another, over and over 225 00:11:07,660 --> 00:11:11,350 and over again until we hit EOF. 226 00:11:11,350 --> 00:11:14,250 We've got to the end of the file we're trying to copy from. 227 00:11:14,250 --> 00:11:18,500 And by that we'll have written all of the characters we need to the file 228 00:11:18,500 --> 00:11:19,500 that we're writing to. 229 00:11:19,500 --> 00:11:24,270 So this is cp, the Linux copy command. 230 00:11:24,270 --> 00:11:26,550 At the very beginning of this video, I had the caveat 231 00:11:26,550 --> 00:11:29,840 that we would talk a little bit about pointers. 232 00:11:29,840 --> 00:11:32,480 Here is specifically where we're going to talk about pointers 233 00:11:32,480 --> 00:11:34,800 in addition to file pointers. 234 00:11:34,800 --> 00:11:37,870 So this function looks kind of scary. 235 00:11:37,870 --> 00:11:39,120 It's got several parameters. 236 00:11:39,120 --> 00:11:40,430 There's a lot going on here. 237 00:11:40,430 --> 00:11:42,760 There's a lot of different colors and texts. 238 00:11:42,760 --> 00:11:47,100 But really, it's just the generic version of fgetc 239 00:11:47,100 --> 00:11:50,110 that allows us to get any amount of information. 240 00:11:50,110 --> 00:11:53,560 It can be a bit inefficient if we're getting characters one at a time, 241 00:11:53,560 --> 00:11:55,770 iterating through the file one character at a time. 242 00:11:55,770 --> 00:12:00,230 Wouldn't it be nicer to get 100 at a time or 500 at a time? 243 00:12:00,230 --> 00:12:03,250 Well, fread and its companion function fwrite, which we'll talk about 244 00:12:03,250 --> 00:12:05,490 in a second, allow us to do just that. 245 00:12:05,490 --> 00:12:08,480 We can read an arbitrary amount of information from a file 246 00:12:08,480 --> 00:12:10,290 and we store it somewhere temporarily. 247 00:12:10,290 --> 00:12:12,980 Instead of being able to just fit it in a single variable, 248 00:12:12,980 --> 00:12:15,790 we might need to store it in an array. 249 00:12:15,790 --> 00:12:19,980 And so, we pass in four arguments to fread-- a pointer 250 00:12:19,980 --> 00:12:23,940 to the location where we're going to store information, 251 00:12:23,940 --> 00:12:29,180 how large each unit of information will be, how many units of information 252 00:12:29,180 --> 00:12:35,192 we want to acquire, and from which file we want to get them. 253 00:12:35,192 --> 00:12:37,150 Probably best illustrated with an example here. 254 00:12:37,150 --> 00:12:41,640 So let's say that we declare an array of 10 integers. 255 00:12:41,640 --> 00:12:45,080 We've just declared on the stack arbitrarily int arr 10. 256 00:12:45,080 --> 00:12:46,970 So that's pretty straightforward. 257 00:12:46,970 --> 00:12:51,970 Now what we're doing though is the frecall is we're reading size of int 258 00:12:51,970 --> 00:12:54,180 times 10 bytes of information. 259 00:12:54,180 --> 00:12:59,040 Size of int being four-- that's the size of an integer in c. 260 00:12:59,040 --> 00:13:02,790 So what we're doing is we're reading 40 bytes worth of information 261 00:13:02,790 --> 00:13:05,850 from the file pointed to by ptr. 262 00:13:05,850 --> 00:13:08,600 And we're storing those 40 bytes somewhere 263 00:13:08,600 --> 00:13:12,080 where we have set aside 40 bytes worth of memory. 264 00:13:12,080 --> 00:13:15,970 Fortunately, we've already done that by declaring arr, that array right there. 265 00:13:15,970 --> 00:13:19,770 That is capable of holding 10 four-byte units. 266 00:13:19,770 --> 00:13:22,860 So in total, it can hold 40 bytes worth of information. 267 00:13:22,860 --> 00:13:26,540 And we are now reading 40 bytes of information from the file, 268 00:13:26,540 --> 00:13:30,330 and we're storing it in arr. 269 00:13:30,330 --> 00:13:35,470 Recall from the video on pointers that the name of an array, such as arr, 270 00:13:35,470 --> 00:13:38,370 is really just a pointer to its first element. 271 00:13:38,370 --> 00:13:43,680 So when we pass in arr there, we are, in fact, passing in a pointer. 272 00:13:43,680 --> 00:13:46,120 Similarly we can do this-- we don't necessarily 273 00:13:46,120 --> 00:13:51,200 need to save our buffer on the stack. 274 00:13:51,200 --> 00:13:54,990 We could also dynamically allocate a buffer like this, using malloc. 275 00:13:54,990 --> 00:13:57,340 Remember, when we dynamically allocate memory, 276 00:13:57,340 --> 00:14:00,550 we're saving it on the heap, not the stack. 277 00:14:00,550 --> 00:14:02,110 But it's still a buffer. 278 00:14:02,110 --> 00:14:06,810 It still, in this case, is holding 640 bytes of information 279 00:14:06,810 --> 00:14:09,230 because a double takes up eight bytes. 280 00:14:09,230 --> 00:14:11,570 And we're asking for 80 of them. 281 00:14:11,570 --> 00:14:13,770 We want to have space to hold 80 doubles. 282 00:14:13,770 --> 00:14:17,210 So 80 times 8 is 640 bytes information. 283 00:14:17,210 --> 00:14:21,880 And that call to fread is collecting 640 bytes of information 284 00:14:21,880 --> 00:14:27,770 from the file pointed to by ptr and storing it now in arr2. 285 00:14:27,770 --> 00:14:32,770 Now we can also treat fread just like a call to fgetc. 286 00:14:32,770 --> 00:14:37,140 In this case, we're just trying to get one character from the file. 287 00:14:37,140 --> 00:14:40,070 And we don't need an array to hold a character. 288 00:14:40,070 --> 00:14:43,170 We can just store it in a character variable. 289 00:14:43,170 --> 00:14:46,390 The catch, though, is that when we just have a variable, 290 00:14:46,390 --> 00:14:50,290 we need to pass in the address of that variable 291 00:14:50,290 --> 00:14:52,550 because recall that the first argument to fread 292 00:14:52,550 --> 00:14:59,210 is a pointer to the location and memory where we want to store the information. 293 00:14:59,210 --> 00:15:01,550 Again, the name of an array is a pointer. 294 00:15:01,550 --> 00:15:04,200 So we don't need to do ampersand array. 295 00:15:04,200 --> 00:15:07,270 But c, the character c here, is not an array. 296 00:15:07,270 --> 00:15:08,390 It's just a variable. 297 00:15:08,390 --> 00:15:11,840 And so we need to pass an ampersand c to indicate 298 00:15:11,840 --> 00:15:15,350 that that's the address where we want to store this one byte of information, 299 00:15:15,350 --> 00:15:20,479 this one character that we're collecting from ptr. 300 00:15:20,479 --> 00:15:22,270 Fwrite-- I'll go through this a little more 301 00:15:22,270 --> 00:15:25,440 quickly-- is pretty much the exact equivalent of fread 302 00:15:25,440 --> 00:15:27,720 except it's for writing instead of reading, just 303 00:15:27,720 --> 00:15:31,610 like the other-- we've had open and close, get a character, 304 00:15:31,610 --> 00:15:32,530 write a character. 305 00:15:32,530 --> 00:15:35,040 Now it's get arbitrary amount of information, 306 00:15:35,040 --> 00:15:37,170 right arbitrary amount of information. 307 00:15:37,170 --> 00:15:39,790 So just like before, we can have an array of 10 integers 308 00:15:39,790 --> 00:15:43,210 where we already have information stored, perhaps. 309 00:15:43,210 --> 00:15:46,580 It was probably some lines of code that should go between these two 310 00:15:46,580 --> 00:15:49,990 where I fill arr with something meaningful. 311 00:15:49,990 --> 00:15:51,880 I fill it with 10 different integers. 312 00:15:51,880 --> 00:15:54,920 And instead, what I'm doing is writing from arr 313 00:15:54,920 --> 00:15:58,600 and collecting the information from arr. 314 00:15:58,600 --> 00:16:02,390 And I'm taking that information and putting it into the file. 315 00:16:02,390 --> 00:16:05,410 So instead of it being from the file to the buffer, 316 00:16:05,410 --> 00:16:08,790 we're now going from the buffer to the file. 317 00:16:08,790 --> 00:16:10,580 So it's just the reverse. 318 00:16:10,580 --> 00:16:16,680 So again, just like before, we can also have a heap chunk of memory 319 00:16:16,680 --> 00:16:19,600 that we've dynamically allocated and read from that 320 00:16:19,600 --> 00:16:21,570 and write that to the file. 321 00:16:21,570 --> 00:16:24,900 And we also have a single variable capable of holding one byte 322 00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:27,200 of information, such as a character. 323 00:16:27,200 --> 00:16:29,830 But again, we need to pass in the address of that variable 324 00:16:29,830 --> 00:16:31,840 when we want to read from it. 325 00:16:31,840 --> 00:16:35,280 So we can write the information we find at that address 326 00:16:35,280 --> 00:16:39,050 to the file pointer, ptr. 327 00:16:39,050 --> 00:16:41,630 There's lots of other great file I/O functions 328 00:16:41,630 --> 00:16:44,650 that do various things besides the ones we've talked about today. 329 00:16:44,650 --> 00:16:46,450 A couple of the ones you might find useful 330 00:16:46,450 --> 00:16:50,840 are fgets and fputs, which are the equivalent 331 00:16:50,840 --> 00:16:56,190 of fgetc and fputc but for reading a single string from a file. 332 00:16:56,190 --> 00:16:59,020 Instead of a single character, it will read an entire string. 333 00:16:59,020 --> 00:17:02,940 fprintf, which basically allows you to use printf to write to file. 334 00:17:02,940 --> 00:17:05,619 So just like you can do the variable substitution using 335 00:17:05,619 --> 00:17:09,900 the placeholders percent i and percent d, and so on, with printf 336 00:17:09,900 --> 00:17:14,690 you can similarly take the printf string and print something 337 00:17:14,690 --> 00:17:16,800 like that to a file. 338 00:17:16,800 --> 00:17:20,720 fseek-- if you have a DVD player is the analogy I usually use here-- 339 00:17:20,720 --> 00:17:23,109 is sort of like using your rewind and fast forward 340 00:17:23,109 --> 00:17:25,819 buttons to move around the movie. 341 00:17:25,819 --> 00:17:28,369 Similarly, you can move around the file. 342 00:17:28,369 --> 00:17:30,250 One of the things inside that file structure 343 00:17:30,250 --> 00:17:34,270 that c creates for you is an indicator of where you are in the file. 344 00:17:34,270 --> 00:17:36,420 Are you at the very beginning, at byte zero? 345 00:17:36,420 --> 00:17:39,290 Are you at byte 100, byte 1,000, and so on? 346 00:17:39,290 --> 00:17:44,340 You can use fseek to arbitrarily move that indicator forward or backward. 347 00:17:44,340 --> 00:17:46,744 And ftell, again similar to a DVD player, 348 00:17:46,744 --> 00:17:49,660 is like a little clock that tells you how many minutes and seconds you 349 00:17:49,660 --> 00:17:52,480 are into a particular movie. 350 00:17:52,480 --> 00:17:56,990 Similarly, ftell tells you how many bytes you are into the file. 351 00:17:56,990 --> 00:18:00,210 feof is a different version of detecting whether you've 352 00:18:00,210 --> 00:18:01,700 reached the end of the file. 353 00:18:01,700 --> 00:18:03,600 And ferror is a function that you can use 354 00:18:03,600 --> 00:18:06,959 to detect whether something has gone wrong working with a file. 355 00:18:06,959 --> 00:18:08,750 Again, this is just scratching the surface. 356 00:18:08,750 --> 00:18:12,730 There's still plenty more file I/O functions in the standard io.h. 357 00:18:12,730 --> 00:18:16,620 But this will probably get you started working with file pointers. 358 00:18:16,620 --> 00:18:17,640 I'm Doug Lloyd. 359 00:18:17,640 --> 00:18:19,750 This is cs50. 360 00:18:19,750 --> 00:18:21,669