question = "Why is passing by reference better than passing by value?"; $c1v100->answer = "The callee is able to change the argument."; // repeat over and over again to fill up all the squares of the jeopardy board $c2v100 = new Square(); $c2v100->question = "True or False.
Both JavaScript and PHP are interpreted languages."; $c2v100->answer = "True"; $c3v100 = new Square(); $c3v100->question = "Valgrind returns the following: invalid write of size 4. What happened?"; $c3v100->answer = "You have likely written to a 4-byte location in memory that does not belong to you."; $c4v100 = new Square(); $c4v100->question = "What's an event handler?"; $c4v100->answer = "A function that is called in response to some event."; $c5v100 = new Square(); $c5v100->question = "If you don't use Facebook, are you still safe from session hijacking (i.e. what Firesheep does)?"; $c5v100->answer = "No. Any website that transmits session cookies in the clear is vulnerable."; // 200 level $c1v200 = new Square(); $c1v200->question = "What's the difference between NULL and \0?"; $c1v200->answer = "NULL is a special pointer that points to no object.
The null terminator is a char that generally demarks the end of a string."; $c2v200 = new Square(); $c2v200->question = "What's the difference between GET and POST?"; $c2v200->answer = "GET allows the state of a page to be bookmarkable.
POST affords data more privacy."; $c3v200 = new Square(); $c3v200->question = "What's steganography?"; $c3v200->answer = "The science of hiding information."; $c4v200 = new Square(); $c4v200->question = "What function executes a SQL query in PHP?"; $c4v200->answer = "mysql_query();"; $c5v200 = new Square(); $c5v200->question = "What's 00010000 in hexadecimal?"; $c5v200->answer = "0x10"; // 300 level $c1v300 = new Square(); $c1v300->question = "What does sizeof(long long) return?"; $c1v300->answer = "8"; $c2v300 = new Square(); $c2v300->question = "What's AJAX?"; $c2v300->answer = "A technique whereby webpages can request additional data from a server without having to reload entirely."; $c3v300 = new Square(); $c3v300->question = "What's an API?"; $c3v300->answer = "An API is an interface written by programmers that other programmers can use in their own software."; $c4v300 = new Square(); $c4v300->question = "Write a function that takes a positive integer and returns true if it is even."; $c4v300->answer = "bool even(int n) { if (n % 2 == 0) return true; else return false; }"; $c5v300 = new Square(); $c5v300->question = "Why might a hash table be better than a trie?"; $c5v300->answer = "A hash table should be used when you have a sparse data set as the nodes of a trie would likely take up much more space."; // 400 level $c1v400 = new Square(); $c1v400->question = "In C, what code would you write to typedef the node of a binary search tree?"; $c1v400->answer = "typedef struct node { int n; struct node *left; struct node * right; } node;"; $c2v400 = new Square(); $c2v400->question = "When are SQL injection attacks possible?"; $c2v400->answer = "When user-supplied input is not escaped before use in a SQL query."; $c3v400 = new Square(); $c3v400->question = "For what purpose are regular expressions useful?"; $c3v400->answer = "Pattern matching or the extraction of substrings."; $c4v400 = new Square(); $c4v400->question = "What's the difference between a while and a do-while loop?"; $c4v400->answer = "A do-while loop executes its code at least once."; $c5v400 = new Square(); $c5v400->question = "What's the upper bound on the running time of inserting an integer into a sorted linked list?"; $c5v400->answer = "O(n)"; // 500 level $c1v500 = new Square(); $c1v500->question = "What's wrong and how can you fix it: char *s = "hello"; printf("%s", *s);"; $c1v500->answer = "Printf expects a pointer to a char as its second argument, but *s denotes a char and will incorrectly be interpreted as an address.
To fix, change *s to s."; $c2v500 = new Square(); $c2v500->question = "What's two-factor authentication?"; $c2v500->answer = "Two-factor authentication involves challenging a user to present two forms of identification in order to proceed."; $c3v500 = new Square(); $c3v500->question = "What's the difference between design and style anyhow?"; $c3v500->answer = "..."; $c4v500 = new Square(); $c4v500->question = "Write a function in C that returns false unless its argument is an uppercase letter."; $c4v500->answer = "bool isupper(char c) { if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) return true; else return false; }"; $c5v500 = new Square(); $c5v500->question = "If global variables are accessible by all functions, why bother with local variables?"; $c5v500->answer = "Using only global variables increases the risk that some functions might change their values unbeknowst to other functions.
It also makes code less readable."; // fill a new associative array with all of the squares $array = array( "c1v100" => $c1v100, "c2v100" => $c2v100, "c3v100" => $c3v100, "c4v100" => $c4v100, "c5v100" => $c5v100, "c1v200" => $c1v200, "c2v200" => $c2v200, "c3v200" => $c3v200, "c4v200" => $c4v200, "c5v200" => $c5v200, "c1v300" => $c1v300, "c2v300" => $c2v300, "c3v300" => $c3v300, "c4v300" => $c4v300, "c5v300" => $c5v300, "c1v400" => $c1v400, "c2v400" => $c2v400, "c3v400" => $c3v400, "c4v400" => $c4v400, "c5v400" => $c5v400, "c1v500" => $c1v500, "c2v500" => $c2v500, "c3v500" => $c3v500, "c4v500" => $c4v500, "c5v500" => $c5v500, ); ?>