 * File: ginteractors.h
 * --------------------
 * This interface exports a hierarchy of graphical interactors similar to
 * those provided in the Java Swing libraries.

#ifndef _ginteractors_h
#define _ginteractors_h

#include "cslib.h"
#include "gobjects.h"
#include "gtypes.h"
#include "gwindow.h"
#include "vector.h"

 * Type: GInteractor
 * -----------------
 * This abstract type is the superclass for all graphical interactors.  In
 * most applications, interactors will be added to a control strip along
 * one of the sides of the GWindow, but they can also be placed in specific
 * positions just like any other GObject.

typedef GObject GInteractor;

 * Function: setActionCommand
 * Usage: setActionCommand(interactor, cmd);
 * -----------------------------------------
 * Sets the action command to the indicated string.  If the string is not
 * empty, activating the interactor generates a GActionEvent.

void setActionCommand(GInteractor interactor, string cmd);

 * Function: getActionCommand
 * Usage: cmd = getActionCommand(interactor);
 * ------------------------------------------
 * Returns the action command associated with the interactor.

string getActionCommandGInteractor(GInteractor interactor);

 * Type: GButton
 * -------------
 * This interactor subtype represents an onscreen button.  The following
 * program displays a button that, when pressed, generates the message
 * Please do not press this button again (with thanks to Douglas Adamss
 * Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy):
 *    main() {
 *       GWindow gw = newGWindow(600, 400);
 *       GButton button = newGButton("RED");
 *       addToRegion(gw, button, "SOUTH");
 *       while (true) {
 *          GEvent e = waitForEvent(ACTION_EVENT | CLICK_EVENT);
 *          if (getEventType(e) == MOUSE_CLICKED) break;
 *          printf("Please do not press this button again.\n");
 *       }
 *    }

typedef GInteractor GButton;

 * Function: newGButton
 * Usage: button = newGButton(label);
 * ----------------------------------
 * Creates a GButton with the specified label.  This function also sets the
 * action command for the button to the label string.

GButton newGButton(string label);

 * Type: GCheckBox
 * ---------------
 * This interactor subtype represents an onscreen check box.  Clicking once
 * on the check box selects it; clicking again removes the selection.  If a
 * GCheckBox has an action command, clicking on the box generates a
 * GActionEvent.

typedef GInteractor GCheckBox;

 * Function: GCheckBox
 * Usage: chkbox = new GCheckBox(label);
 * -------------------------------------
 * Creates a GCheckBox with the specified label.  In contrast to the
 * GButtonructor, this function does not automatically set an action
 * command.

GCheckBox newGCheckBox(string label);

 * Function: setSelected
 * Usage: setSelected(chkbox, state);
 * ----------------------------------
 * Sets the state of the check box.

void setSelected(GCheckBox chkbox, bool state);

 * Function: isSelected
 * Usage: if (isSelected(chkbox)) ...
 * ----------------------------------
 * Returns true if the check box is selected.

bool isSelected(GCheckBox chkbox);

 * Type: GSlider
 * -------------
 * This interactor subtype represents an onscreen slider.  Dragging the
 * slider control generates an ActionEvent if the slider has a nonempty
 * action command.

typedef GInteractor GSlider;

 * Function: GSlider
 * Usage: slider = new GSlider(min, max, value);
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * Creates a horizontal GSlider.  The parameters are the minimum value,
 * maximum value, and current value of the slider.  Assigning an action
 * command to the slider causes the slider to generate an action event
 * whenever the slider value changes.

GSlider newGSlider(int min, int max, int value);

 * Function: setValue
 * Usage: setValue(slider, value);
 * -------------------------------
 * Sets the current value of the slider.

void setValue(GSlider slider, int value);

 * Function: getValue
 * Usage: value = getValue(slider);
 * --------------------------------
 * Returns the current value of the slider.

int getValue(GSlider slider);

 * Type: GTextField
 * ----------------
 * This interactor subtype represents a text field for entering short text
 * strings.  Hitting enter in a text field generates a GActionEvent if the
 * text field has a nonempty action command.

typedef GInteractor GTextField;

 * Function: GTextField
 * Usage: field = newGTextField(nChars);
 * -------------------------------------
 * Creates a text field capable of holding nChars characters.  Assigning an
 * action command to the text field causes it to generate an action event
 * whenever the user types the ENTER key.

GTextField newGTextField(int nChars);

 * Function: setText
 * Usage: setText(field, str);
 * ---------------------------
 * Sets the text of the field to the specified string.

void setText(GTextField field, string str);

 * Function: getText
 * Usage: str = getText(field);
 * ----------------------------
 * Returns the contents of the text field.

string getText(GTextField field);

 * Type: GChooser
 * --------------
 * This interactor subtype represents a selectable list.  The newGChooser
 * function creates an empty chooser.  Once the chooser has been created,
 * clients can use addItem to add the options.  For example, the following
 * code creates a GChooser containing the four strings "Small", "Medium",
 * "Large", and "X-Large":
 *    GChooser sizeChooser = newGChooser();
 *    addItem(sizeChooser, "Small");
 *    addItem(sizeChooser, "Medium");
 *    addItem(sizeChooser, "Large");
 *    addItem(sizeChooser, "X-Large");

typedef GInteractor GChooser;

 * Function: newGChooser
 * Usage: chooser = newGChooser();
 * -------------------------------
 * Creates a chooser that initially contains no items, which are added
 * using the addItem function.  Assigning an action command to the chooser
 * causes it to generate an action event whenever the user selects an item.

GChooser newGChooser(void);

 * Function: addItem
 * Usage: addItem(chooser, item);
 * ------------------------------
 * Adds a new item consisting of the specified string.

void addItem(GChooser chooser, string item);

 * Function: setSelectedItem
 * Usage: setSelectedItem(chooser, item);
 * --------------------------------------
 * Sets the chooser so that it shows the specified item.  If the item does
 * not exist in the chooser, no change occurs.

void setSelectedItem(GChooser chooser, string item);

 * Function: getSelectedItem
 * Usage: item = getSelectedItem(chooser);
 * ---------------------------------------
 * Returns the current item selected in the chooser.

string getSelectedItem(GChooser chooser);
