 * File: thread.h
 * --------------
 * This interface exports a platform-independent thread abstraction, along
 * with simple functions for concurrency control.

#ifndef _thread_h
#define _thread_h

#include <setjmp.h>
#include "cslib.h"

#ifdef __macosx__
#  define getCurrentThread XgetCurrentThread

 * Type: Thread
 * ------------
 * The Thread type is used to represent a thread, which is a lightweight
 * process running in the same address space as the creator.

typedef struct ThreadCDT *Thread;

 * Type: Lock
 * ----------
 * The Lock type is used to manage concurrent access to some data structure
 * within an application.  Only one thread can hold a lock at any point in
 * time; other threads seeking to gain access queue on the lock until it is
 * released by the thread that originally obtained it.  The general
 * strategy for using a lock is to use the synchronized statement to
 * protect a critical region of code, as illustrated in the discussion of
 * synchronized later in this file.

typedef struct LockCDT *Lock;

/* Exported entries */

 * Function: forkThread
 * Usage: thread = forkThread(fn, data);
 * -------------------------------------
 * Forks a new thread to invokes the specified function, passing data as an
 * argument.  Threads created by forkThread become dormant on completion
 * and wait for the client to synchronize with them using a joinThread
 * operation.

Thread forkThread(proc fn, void *data);

 * Function: joinThread
 * Usage: joinThread(thread);
 * --------------------------
 * Waits for the specified thread to finish before proceeding.

void joinThread(Thread thread);

 * Function: yield
 * Usage: yield();
 * ---------------
 * Yields the processor to allow another thread to run.

void yield(void);

 * Function: getCurrentThread
 * Usage: self = getCurrentThread();
 * ---------------------------------
 * Returns the currently executing thread.

Thread getCurrentThread(void);

 * Function: setThreadName
 * Usage: setThreadName(thread, name);
 * -----------------------------------
 * Sets the name of a thread to the given string.  This name is used
 * primarily for debugging purposes.

void setThreadName(Thread thread, string name);

 * Function: getThreadName
 * Usage: name = getThreadName(thread);
 * ------------------------------------
 * Returns the name of the specified thread.  If no name has been set for
 * the thread, this function returns a string in the form Thread<xxx>,
 * where xxx is an integer uniquely identifying the thread.

string getThreadName(Thread thread);

 * Function: newLock
 * Usage: lock = newLock();
 * ------------------------
 * Creates a new Lock object.

Lock newLock(void);

 * Macro: synchronized
 * Usage: synchronized (lock) { . . . }
 * ------------------------------------
 * Defines a critical section protected by the specified lock.  The general
 * strategy for using this facility is shown in the following paradigmatic
 * pattern:
 *    synchronized (lock) {
 *       . . . statements in the critical section . . .
 *    }

#define synchronized(lock) for ( ; startSync(lock) ; endSync(lock))

 * Function: waitThread
 * Usage: waitThread(lock);
 * ------------------------
 * Waits for some other thread to issue a call to signalThread on this
 * lock.  This call requires that the lock be owned by the calling thread. 
 * The effect of this function is to release the lock and then wait until
 * the desired signalThread operation occurs, at which point the lock is
 * reacquired and control passes to the statement following the waitThread.
 * The waitThread function is useful only if the call is embedded inside a
 * while loop that checks a condition before proceeding.  That while
 * statement must itself be embedded inside a synchronized statement that
 * acquires the lock.  Thus, the standard paradigm for using the waitThread
 * function looks like this:
 *    synchronized (lock) {
 *        while (conditional test) {
 *            waitThread(lock);
 *        }
 *        . . . code to manipulate the locked resource . . .
 *    }

void waitThread(Lock lock);

 * Function: signalThread
 * Usage: signalThread(lock);
 * --------------------------
 * Signals all threads waiting on the lock so that they wake up and recheck
 * the corresponding condition.

void signalThread(Lock lock);

/* Internal entry points -- see implementation for details */

bool startSync(Lock lock);
void endSync(Lock lock);
void lockInternal(Lock lock);
void unlockInternal(Lock lock);
