 * File: filelib.h
 * ---------------
 * This interface exports a standardized set of tools for working with
 * files across various platforms.  It is implemented for each of the
 * following platforms: Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux.  Directory and search
 * paths are allowed to contain separators in any of the supported styles,
 * which often makes it possible to use the same code on different
 * platforms.

#ifndef _filelib_h
#define _filelib_h

#include "cslib.h"
#include "iterator.h"

/* Exported entries */

 * Function: getDirectoryPathSeparator
 * Usage: sep = getDirectoryPathSeparator();
 * -----------------------------------------
 * Returns the standard directory path separator used on this platform.

string getDirectoryPathSeparator(void);

 * Function: getSearchPathSeparator
 * Usage: sep = getSearchPathSeparator();
 * --------------------------------------
 * Returns the standard search path separator used on this platform.

string getSearchPathSeparator(void);

 * Function: getRoot
 * Usage: root = getRoot(filename);
 * --------------------------------
 * Returns the root of a filename.ext pair, which consists of everything in
 * filename up to the last dot and the subsequent extension.  If no dot
 * appears, getRoot returns the entire name.
 *         the extension

string getRoot(string filename);

 * Function: getExtension
 * Usage: ext = getExtension(filename);
 * ------------------------------------
 * Returns the extension component of filename, which consists of the
 * separating dot and all subsequent characters.  If no dot exists in the
 * final component, extension returns the empty string.  Note that this
 * interpretation is different than one used by the :e substitution in the
 * shell.  The semantics were chosen so that the expression
 *    concat(getRoot(filename), getExtension(filename))
 * is equal to the original filename.

string getExtension(string filename);

 * Function: getHead
 * Usage: head = getHead(pathname);
 * --------------------------------
 * Returns all but the last component of a path name, where the components
 * are names separated by any of the directory path separators (forward or
 * reverse slashes).  The special cases are illustrated by the following
 * examples:
 *    getHead("a/b")  = "a"
 *    getHead("a")    = ""
 *    getHead("/a")   = "/"
 *    getHead("/")    = "/"

string getHead(string pathname);

 * Function: getTail
 * Usage: tail = getTail(pathname);
 * --------------------------------
 * Returns the last component of a path name, where the components are
 * names separated by any of the directory path separators (forward or
 * reverse slashes).  The special cases are illustrated by the following
 * examples:
 *    getTail("a/b")   = "b"
 *    getTail("a")     = "a"
 *    getTail("/a")    = "a"
 *    getTail("/")     = ""

string getTail(string pathname);

 * Function: defaultExtension
 * Usage: newname = defaultExtension(filename, ext);
 * -------------------------------------------------
 * Adds an extension to a file name if none already exists.  If the
 * extension argument begins with a leading *, any existing extension in
 * filename is replaced by ext.

string defaultExtension(string filename, string ext);

 * Function: openOnPath
 * Usage: FILE *file = openOnPath(path, filename, mode);
 * -----------------------------------------------------
 * Opens a files by searching directories in a search path for the first
 * matching file.  The openOnPath routine has the same structure as fopen
 * in the standard library and the filename and mode arguments are the same
 * as in that call.  The path argument consists of a list of directories
 * which are prepended to the filename, unless the filename begins with an
 * absolute directory marker, such as / or ~.  The directories in the
 * search path may be separated either by colons (Unix style) or semicolons
 * (Windows style).  The openOnPath function returns an open stream to the
 * indicated file, or NULL, if no existing file is found.

FILE *openOnPath(string path, string filename, string mode);

 * Function: findOnPath
 * Usage: pathname = findOnPath(path, filename);
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * Returns a canonical name of a file found using a search path.  The
 * findOnPath function is similar to openOnPath, except that it returns the
 * name of the file instead of trying to open in.  If no matching file is
 * found, findOnPath returns NULL.

string findOnPath(string path, string filename);

 * Function: deleteFile
 * Usage: deleteFile(filename);
 * ----------------------------
 * Deletes the specified file.  Errors are reported by calling error in the
 * implementation.

void deleteFile(string filename);

 * Function: renameFile
 * Usage: renameFile(oldname, newname);
 * ------------------------------------
 * Renames a file.  Errors are reported by calling error in the
 * implementation.

void renameFile(string oldname, string newname);

 * Function: fileExists
 * Usage: if (fileExists(pathname)) . . .
 * --------------------------------------
 * Returns true if the specified file exists.

bool fileExists(string pathname);

 * Function: isFile
 * Usage: if (isFile(pathname)) . . .
 * ----------------------------------
 * Returns true if the specified file is a regular file.

bool isFile(string pathname);

 * Function: isSymbolicLink
 * Usage: if (isSymbolicLink(pathname)) . . .
 * ------------------------------------------
 * Returns true if the specified file is a symbolic link.

bool isSymbolicLink(string pathname);

 * Function: isDirectory
 * Usage: if (isDirectory(pathname)) . . .
 * ---------------------------------------
 * Returns true if the specified file is a directory.

bool isDirectory(string pathname);

 * Function: createDirectory
 * Usage: createDirectory(pathname);
 * ---------------------------------
 * Creates a new directory for the specified pathname.  The createDirectory
 * function does not report an error if the directory already exists. 
 * Unlike createDirectoryPath, createDirectory does not create missing
 * directories along the path.  If some component of pathname does not
 * exist, this function signals an error.

void createDirectory(string pathname);

 * Function: createDirectoryPath
 * Usage: createDirectoryPath(pathname);
 * -------------------------------------
 * Creates a new directory for the specified pathname.   If intermediate
 * components of the pathname do not exist, this function creates them as
 * needed.

void createDirectoryPath(string pathname);

 * Function: setCurrentDirectory
 * Usage: setCurrentDirectory(pathname);
 * -------------------------------------
 * Changes the current directory to the specified path.

void setCurrentDirectory(string path);

 * Function: getCurrentDirectory
 * Usage: pathname = getCurrentDirectory();
 * ----------------------------------------
 * Returns an absolute pathname for the current directory.

string getCurrentDirectory(void);

 * Function: expandPathname
 * Usage: fullname = expandPathname(pathname);
 * -------------------------------------------
 * Expands a pathname into a canonical name for the platform.

string expandPathname(string filename);

 * Function: listDirectory
 * Usage: string array[] = listDirectory(dir);
 * -------------------------------------------
 * Returns an alphabetical list of all the files in the specified
 * directory, excluding the unix . and .. entries.  The array is terminated
 * with a NULL entry.

string *listDirectory(string dir);

 * Function: newDirectoryIterator
 * Usage: foreach (name in newDirectoryIterator(dir)) . . .
 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Creates a new directory iterator that will step through the files in the
 * specified directory.

Iterator newDirectoryIterator(string dir);

 * Function: newDirectoryTreeIterator
 * Usage: foreach (name in newDirectoryTreeIterator(dir)) . . .
 * ------------------------------------------------------------
 * Creates a new directory iterator that will walk recursively through the
 * files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.

Iterator newDirectoryTreeIterator(string dir);

 * Function: matchFilenamePattern
 * Usage: if (matchFilenamePattern(filename, pattern)) . . .
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * Determines whether the filename matches the specified pattern.  The
 * pattern string is interpreted in much the same way that a Unix shell
 * expands filenames and supports the following wildcard options:
 * ?
 *     Matches any single character
 * *
 *     Matches any sequence of characters
 * [...]
 *     Matches any of the specified characters
 * [^...]
 *     Matches any character except the specified ones
 * The last two options allow a range of characters to be specified in the
 * form a-z.

bool matchFilenamePattern(string filename, string pattern);

 * Function: getFileType
 * Usage: type = getFileType(filename);
 * ------------------------------------
 * Gets the file type of a Macintosh file, which is a four-character
 * string.  This function returns the string "????" on other platforms.

string getFileType(string filename);

 * Function: getFileCreator
 * Usage: type = getFileCreator(filename);
 * ---------------------------------------
 * Gets the creator code of a Macintosh file, which is a four-character
 * string.  This function returns the string "????" on other platforms.

string getFileCreator(string filename);

 * Friend function: setFileTypeAndCreator
 * Usage: setFileTypeAndCreator(pathname, type, creator);
 * ------------------------------------------------------
 * Sets the Macintosh type and creator information for the specified path. 
 * It has no effect on other platforms.

void setFileTypeAndCreator(string pathname, string type, string creator);

 * Friend function: copyFileTypeAndCreator
 * Usage: copyFileTypeAndCreator(src, dst);
 * ----------------------------------------
 * Copies the Macintosh type and creator information from the source file
 * to the destination file.  It has no effect on other platforms.

void copyFileTypeAndCreator(string src, string dst);
