 * File: hashmap.h
 * ---------------
 * This interface defines a map abstraction that associates string keys
 * with values.  The implementation uses a hash table, which offers
 * constant-time performance but does not support iterating through the
 * keys in order.

#ifndef _hashmap_h
#define _hashmap_h

#include "cslib.h"
#include "generic.h"
#include "iterator.h"

 * Function: HashMap
 * -----------------
 * This type is the ADT used to represent a map from strings to values.

typedef struct HashMapCDT *HashMap;

/* Exported entries */

 * Function: newHashMap
 * Usage: map = newHashMap();
 * --------------------------
 * Allocates a new map with no entries.

HashMap newHashMap(void);

 * Function: freeHashMap
 * Usage: freeHashMap(map);
 * ------------------------
 * Frees the storage associated with the map.

void freeHashMap(HashMap map);

 * Function: size
 * Usage: n = size(map);
 * ---------------------
 * Returns the number of elements in the map.

int sizeHashMap(HashMap map);

 * Function: isEmpty
 * Usage: if (isEmpty(map)) . . .
 * ------------------------------
 * Returns true if the map has no entries.

bool isEmptyHashMap(HashMap map);

 * Function: clear
 * Usage: clear(map);
 * ------------------
 * Removes all entries from the map.

void clearHashMap(HashMap map);

 * Function: clone
 * Usage: newmap = clone(map);
 * ---------------------------
 * Creates a copy of the map.  The clone function copies only the first
 * level of the structure and does not copy the individual elements.

HashMap cloneHashMap(HashMap map);

 * Function: put
 * Usage: put(map, key, value);
 * ----------------------------
 * Associates key with value in the map.  Each call to put supersedes any
 * previous definition for key.

void putHashMap(HashMap map, string key, void *value);

 * Function: get
 * Usage: void *value = get(map, key);
 * -----------------------------------
 * Returns the value associated with key in the map, or NULL, if no such
 * value exists.

void *getHashMap(HashMap map, string key);

 * Function: containsKey
 * Usage: if (containsKey(map, key)) . . .
 * ---------------------------------------
 * Checks to see if the map contains the specified key.

bool containsKeyHashMap(HashMap map, string key);

 * Function: remove
 * Usage: remove(map, key);
 * ------------------------
 * Removes the key and its value from the map.

void removeHashMap(HashMap map, string key);

 * Function: map
 * Usage: map(map, fn, data);
 * --------------------------
 * Iterates through the map and calls the function fn on each entry.  The
 * callback function takes the following arguments:
 *  The key string
 *  The associated value
 *  The data pointer
 * The data pointer allows the client to pass state information to the
 * function fn, if necessary.  If no such information is required, this
 * argument should be NULL.

void mapHashMap(HashMap map, proc fn, void *data);
