 * File: strbuf.h
 * --------------
 * This interface defines a class that allows strings to grow by
 * concatentation.

#ifndef _strbuf_h
#define _strbuf_h

#include "cslib.h"

 * Type: StringBuffer
 * ------------------
 * This type provides an efficient, memory-safe mechanism for strings that
 * grow by the addition of characters.

typedef struct StringBufferCDT *StringBuffer;

 * Function: newStringBuffer
 * Usage: sb = newStringBuffer();
 * ------------------------------
 * Creates a new string buffer that expands dynamically if needed.  The
 * buffer is initially empty.

StringBuffer newStringBuffer();

 * Function: freeStringBuffer
 * Usage: freeStringBuffer(sb);
 * ----------------------------
 * Frees the storage associated with the string buffer.

void freeStringBuffer(StringBuffer sb);

 * Function: pushChar
 * Usage: pushChar(sb, ch);
 * ------------------------
 * Appends (pushes) the character ch onto the end of the string buffer.

void pushChar(StringBuffer sb, char ch);

 * Function: popChar
 * Usage: ch = popChar(sb);
 * ------------------------
 * Pops and removes the last character from the string buffer.

char popChar(StringBuffer sb);

 * Function: appendString
 * Usage: appendString(sb, str);
 * -----------------------------
 * Appends the string str to the end of the string buffer.

void appendString(StringBuffer sb, string str);

 * Function: sbprintf
 * Usage: sbprintf(sb, format, ...);
 * ---------------------------------
 * Expands a printf-style format string and arguments onto the end of the
 * string buffer.

void sbprintf(StringBuffer sb, string format, ...);

 * Function: isEmpty
 * Usage: if (isEmpty(sb)) . . .
 * -----------------------------
 * Returns true if the string buffer is empty.

bool isEmptyStringBuffer(StringBuffer vec);

 * Function: size
 * Usage: n = size(sb);
 * --------------------
 * Returns the number of characters in the string buffer.

int sizeStringBuffer(StringBuffer vector);

 * Function: clear
 * Usage: clear(sb);
 * -----------------
 * Removes all characters from the string buffer.

void clearStringBuffer(StringBuffer sb);

 * Function: getString
 * Usage: str = getString(sb);
 * ---------------------------
 * Returns the string stored inside the buffer.  Clients must copy this
 * string if they need to retain it.

string getString(StringBuffer sb);

 * Friend function: printfCapacity
 * Usage: capacity = printfCapacity(format, args);
 * -----------------------------------------------
 * Returns a character count that will be sufficient to hold the result of
 * printing format with arguments substituted from the args list.  This
 * bound is guaranteed to be adequate but is not necessarily tight.

int printfCapacity(string format, va_list args);

 * Friend function: sbFormat
 * Usage: sbFormat(sb, capacity, format, list);
 * --------------------------------------------
 * Works like sbprintf except that the list is an argument list as in
 * stdarg.h.  The capacity argument is the required capacity, as returned
 * by printfCapacity.

void sbFormat(StringBuffer sb, int capacity, string format, va_list args);
