THOMAS CARRIERO: Hi, I'm Thomas Carriero, former CS50 Head TF. We're here at the Dropbox headquarters in San Francisco, California. Welcome. I'm going to show you on a tour. Come with me. Cool, so this balloon right here, this green check mark, is the balloon that we put on your desk when you first join the company. And the idea is that the balloon will stay kind of up there as long as you're a new hire. So the balloon, of course, loses helium over time, and by the time the balloon is dead, you're no longer a noob. This takes a couple of months. It happened because these are really, really expensive balloons. I think we might keep green check mark balloon business in business. So this right here is AT&T Park, where the San Francisco Giants play. We actually have a Dropbox box suite, one of our other awesome amenities, just across the way. I'm standing by this really cool light display. So what's going on here is we're getting real-time data about what's happening in our mailbox app. Each of the colors corresponds to a different action. So as users are doing these actions, these lights are lighting up with those colors to let us know what's going on. Sometimes, if stuff is going wrong, the colors will all start to be one color and we know that something bad is happening. This is kind of one of the ways we keep track of what's going on in mailbox. Let's see what's for dinner tonight. It looks like we have eight-hour smoked beef brisket right here. And right here is my favorite station, the Indian station. That's an open-faced Samosa chop today. Well, I guess that was my favorite station, but this is my other favorite station. This is the pizza station. They always make different kinds of pizzas with our pizza oven right there. Looks like they're making a Sicilian pizza, which is one of my favorites. So the chef told me that there are freshly made Ho Hos. I told him I was going to wait until after I had eaten my dinner, but I'm definitely going to have one of those tonight. Okay, I'm going to have mine now. Real good. So this is kind of the bonus station that's outside of the tech shop. For lunch, we have Mexican food here, and sushi here. And for dinner we have some kind of meat deliciousness. It looks like roasted pork loin tonight. Get a close-up on that. So this is our design area. This is where we design a bunch of the products. We have lots of fun poster boards and stuff with all mocks that we're working on. We also have along the ground a bunch of the mocks that we've been working on over the years. So we'll get a close-up of that in a second. But this sign is one of my favorite, favorite things about Dropbox. This sign actually came from the old office. And our slogan is "It Just works." But if you look closely, there is a subliminal message in the sign. So one of my favorite parts about Dropbox are these vending machines. Instead of having chips or soda or anything like that, we actually have electronics. So if you need a new trackpad, or you need a new keyboard or headphones, all you need to do is swipe your badge right here, type in the number, and then out comes your electronics. Pretty awesome. Thank you so much for joining me on this tour of Dropbox. It's been really fun showing you around. I'm going to close this out with the way we close out all of our all-hands meetings. This is a special chant we do. Can I some help here? -Man (OFFSCREEN): One, two, three. THOMAS CARRIERO: Dropbox! It's usually much cooler than that.