00:00:00,190 --> 00:00:00,260 [VIDEO PLAYBACK] DAVID MALAN: --is the product of a good friend of ours, Nick Parlante, at Stanford, who teaches computer science there. You'll see more of Binky and hear more of-- [END PLAYBACK] DOUG LLOYD: Oh, god, it's the training wheels. DAVID MALAN: This is what it's all about today, taking the training wheels off. DOUG LLOYD: So last year, behind the scenes. These took forever to find. They're actually surprisingly difficult to build, and all, like you had to assemble the pieces of them, and all you do is throw them on the floor. DAVID MALAN: That's when I threw it ever too close to-- DOUG LLOYD: Yeah, you almost hit the camera, too, our friend right here. DAVID MALAN: --our VR friend here, indeed. Didn't hit it. Thought it'd be real. DOUG LLOYD: Was it worth all that struggle? DAVID MALAN: No. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] DAVID MALAN: Let's go ahead now into CS50 IDE and go ahead and open up-- [END PLAYBACK]