[MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) I am here. I am somewhere else. Every year makes me someone else. Because everything I've ever read and learned will be forgotten in time. And everyone that I have ever met will forget me. I am here. I am someone else. SANDY: It's gorgeous out there today. I'm Sandy. Sandy. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Takes me somewhere else. Yeah. Work, than class. It never ends. I bet you could use a break too. It's a computer science class. Ever heard of Scratch? No. I wouldn't say that. Not yet anyway. The class I'm taking stops short of actual code. Do you do any coding? [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) I am here and you are somewhere else. You are here. [MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 1 (ON TV): --those new toys. (SINGING ON TV) I miss you. I believe-- SPEAKER 2 (ON TV): --coming part of CS50 staff helped empower me so-- SPEAKER 3 (ON TV): OK. It is 0 through 7. 0 takes up one of the values. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING ON TV) Long in search of good times and good-- SPEAKER 4 (ON TV): And that allowed me to get over this sort of mental hurdle that I imposed upon myself, sort of fear of failure. [MUSIC PLAYING] MUPPET (VOICE IN HEAD): Fear of failure. [TRAFFIC NOISES] [PIANO MUSIC] (SINGING) Haven't been here in a long, long time. Big street signs to know. Every turn and curve inside my mind. These trees are overgrown and they're falling down in the heavy rain. When we cut them down, will they feel the pain, oh. How old they've grown. [CRICKETS CHIRPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [BANGING] SPEAKER 5: Well, well, well. Haven't seen you in a while. It's because of you that I'm like this. [MUSIC PLAYING] SANDY: Hey. Remember me? Well, not yet. Let me get you something on the house. Something to go? Give me a sec. SPEAKER 5: How do you feel, huh? Letting him down. It should have been up there on [? Sanders ?] stage. It's because of you, CS50 is no more. SANDY: Here. Maybe we will see each other again [CAR REVVING] [CAR REVVING, STARTING] SPEAKER 6: So don't forget to turn in your projects by Friday at noon, please. [KEYBOARD CLICKING] I never thought I'd see you again. CS50 was-- look, we had to start from scratch. It's not [? Sanders, ?] but we're still teaching. We don't have that infrastructure anymore. Look, you can't just sashay in here and expect everything to be the way it was. Sorry. How did you even find us? Sandy? I don't know any Sandys. Look. I'm really struggling here. I could use your help. No one knows this course better than you do. It's what David would have wanted. He always believed in you. [DOOR CLOSES] [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Hit one day [INAUDIBLE] to think that I'm something but I can't stop thinking of you. And it would-- [COMPUTER DING] [BANGING] [MUSIC PLAYING] MUPPET (DAVID'S VOICE IN HEAD): I thought this is what you always wanted. Now stand up straight. Tuck in your shirt. Look into the camera. Take it again from the top. Failing. Failing. Failing. [KNOCKING] SANDY: Pizza delivery. [KNOCKING] Hello? [DOOR OPENS] Are you OK? OK. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The door was open and-- are you having trouble with your camera? Maybe I could help you. [THUMP] You have a gift. And you're throwing it away just because you're scared. You owe it to yourself and to all the students who can't take CS50 anymore. Because that's been working so well for you. [CAR ENGINE ROARS] [DRIZZLING RAIN] [MUSIC PLAYING] MUPPET (DAVID'S VOICE IN HEAD): What's happening? I thought this was what you always wanted, to star in [INAUDIBLE]. Have all of YouTube's eyes watching you. Now, stand up straight. Tuck in your shirt. Look into the camera. Take it again from the top. [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] [SNAPPING] SPEAKER 7: I love this place. SANDY: Eat up. We're going out of business. MUPPET (VOICE IN HEAD): I'm sorry. Sorry. [BELL RINGING] [SIDE CONVERSATION] [DRIZZLING RAIN] SANDY: Well, let's get to it then. [FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING] SPEAKER 6: I got your slack. Thanks for reconsidering. It's good to be back here on the same team. [MUSIC PLAYING] SANDY: Good luck. SPEAKER 6: Where'd who go? [CLICK OF THE LIGHTS] [MUSIC PLAYING]