1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,110 2 00:00:02,110 --> 00:00:04,400 SPEAKER 1: Now let's have a look at rolling the dice. 3 00:00:04,400 --> 00:00:08,770 So in this puzzle, we have just this set of dice, some of them colored, some 4 00:00:08,770 --> 00:00:11,860 of them not, and no other context clues, so 5 00:00:11,860 --> 00:00:14,520 what are we possibly going to do with them? 6 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:16,510 Well in this puzzle, the trick is actually just 7 00:00:16,510 --> 00:00:19,600 to add up the pips that we see on the dice 8 00:00:19,600 --> 00:00:21,730 and make them correspond to something. 9 00:00:21,730 --> 00:00:25,375 So for example, this first row if we add up 1 plus 2 plus 2 plus 4 10 00:00:25,375 --> 00:00:29,020 plus 5 plus 6, that is 20. 11 00:00:29,020 --> 00:00:31,360 And if we think about what to do with that 20, 12 00:00:31,360 --> 00:00:35,459 if we treat it as a letter of the English alphabet, we get T. 13 00:00:35,459 --> 00:00:37,750 And similarly, if we do this for all of the other rows, 14 00:00:37,750 --> 00:00:42,190 we get 21, 18, 14, 2, 12, 21, 5, and 19. 15 00:00:42,190 --> 00:00:48,100 And if will correspond those again to letters, we get T-U-R-N-B-L-U-E-S, 16 00:00:48,100 --> 00:00:52,900 which is apparently an admonishment to us to turn blues. 17 00:00:52,900 --> 00:00:55,767 And notice we have these blue dice here. 18 00:00:55,767 --> 00:00:58,600 Now you may know this about dice, you may not, but if you take a die 19 00:00:58,600 --> 00:01:01,990 and you flip it over, the two sides will add up always to seven. 20 00:01:01,990 --> 00:01:05,440 So a six is always on the opposite of a 1, 5 id always 21 00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:09,660 on the opposite side of a 2, and a 3 is always on the opposite side of a four. 22 00:01:09,660 --> 00:01:11,950 And so why don't we flip all of the blue dice 23 00:01:11,950 --> 00:01:15,710 to their opposite sides, which results in something like this. 24 00:01:15,710 --> 00:01:17,749 And now we can actually take away the white dice 25 00:01:17,749 --> 00:01:19,540 and just leave ourselves with the blue dice 26 00:01:19,540 --> 00:01:21,340 for the second part of this puzzle. 27 00:01:21,340 --> 00:01:26,156 Now let's repeat this process again adding up the new values of the dice 28 00:01:26,156 --> 00:01:29,280 now that we have these flipped over dice and only considering the blue one. 29 00:01:29,280 --> 00:01:32,170 So if we add up 6 plus 5 plus 5 plus 3, that 30 00:01:32,170 --> 00:01:35,800 gives us 19 which corresponds to the letter S. 31 00:01:35,800 --> 00:01:37,609 And we can do this for all of the rows. 32 00:01:37,609 --> 00:01:39,400 And then if we convert those to letters, we 33 00:01:39,400 --> 00:01:43,082 get the letters that spell out snake eyes. 34 00:01:43,082 --> 00:01:45,790 We're told that the answer to this puzzle is, in fact, two words, 35 00:01:45,790 --> 00:01:48,850 and snake eyes is a term of-- 36 00:01:48,850 --> 00:01:51,010 that you might find in dice rolling. 37 00:01:51,010 --> 00:01:54,180 And it was, of course, the answer to this puzzle.