1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,360 We have a few stress balls left. 2 00:00:01,360 --> 00:00:03,690 And we could perhaps do this a little dramatically maybe 3 00:00:03,690 --> 00:00:06,220 with eight volunteers, if you will. 4 00:00:06,220 --> 00:00:07,240 OK, that's a plan. 5 00:00:07,240 --> 00:00:16,990 OK, so 1, about 2, 3, if we could, OK, 4 in the middle there, 5, 6, 7, and let's 6 00:00:16,990 --> 00:00:17,710 see-- 7 00:00:17,710 --> 00:00:21,140 and let's see, [INAUDIBLE] can come up here. 8 00:00:21,140 --> 00:00:22,060 Can we do it after? 9 00:00:22,060 --> 00:00:22,690 OK, thanks. 10 00:00:22,690 --> 00:00:24,740 And how about-- wait, I saw a hand in the middle. 11 00:00:24,740 --> 00:00:26,660 How about eight, volunteered by your friends. 12 00:00:26,660 --> 00:00:27,670 Come on up. 13 00:00:27,670 --> 00:00:28,930 So come on up, if you would. 14 00:00:28,930 --> 00:00:30,640 And Brian, if we could go ahead and equip 15 00:00:30,640 --> 00:00:34,120 our volunteers each with a number. 16 00:00:34,120 --> 00:00:37,210 We're going to go ahead and see if we can't solve together 17 00:00:37,210 --> 00:00:44,200 the idea of finding an algorithm for sorting the numbers at hand. 18 00:00:44,200 --> 00:00:46,660 So in just a moment, each of you will be handed a number. 19 00:00:46,660 --> 00:00:49,410 In the meantime, let's go ahead and just say a quick introduction, 20 00:00:49,410 --> 00:00:51,050 who you are, and perhaps your house. 21 00:00:51,050 --> 00:00:54,970 AUDIENCE: [? Crus, ?] Dudley House, from Germany. 22 00:00:54,970 --> 00:00:57,300 AUDIENCE: Curtis, just here visiting. 23 00:00:57,300 --> 00:00:58,580 SPEAKER 1: Wonderful. 24 00:00:58,580 --> 00:01:02,660 AUDIENCE: Ali, freshman, [INAUDIBLE],, from Turkey. 25 00:01:02,660 --> 00:01:05,000 AUDIENCE: Farah [? Foho, ?] from Detroit. 26 00:01:05,800 --> 00:01:06,550 SPEAKER 1: Nice. 27 00:01:06,550 --> 00:01:11,040 AUDIENCE: Allison, Hollis because I'm first year, from Cleveland. 28 00:01:11,040 --> 00:01:12,040 AUDIENCE: I'm Claude. 29 00:01:12,040 --> 00:01:12,610 I'm in Mauer. 30 00:01:12,610 --> 00:01:14,180 And I'm from Virginia. 31 00:01:14,180 --> 00:01:16,150 AUDIENCE: I'm [? Rohil. ?] I'm in Wigglesworth. 32 00:01:16,150 --> 00:01:17,830 And I'm from Atlanta. 33 00:01:17,830 --> 00:01:20,140 AUDIENCE: I'm [? Yowell. ?] I'm also from Wigglesworth. 34 00:01:20,140 --> 00:01:21,390 And I'm from New York. 35 00:01:21,390 --> 00:01:22,280 AUDIENCE: I'm Bonnie. 36 00:01:22,280 --> 00:01:22,550 I'm in Lowell. 37 00:01:22,550 --> 00:01:24,340 I'm from Beijing and [? Ann ?] [? Arbor. ?] 38 00:01:24,340 --> 00:01:25,420 SPEAKER 1: Wonderful. 39 00:01:25,420 --> 00:01:29,250 And I'm noticing now, as you might be too, we have nine volunteers on stage. 40 00:01:29,250 --> 00:01:31,000 So we're going to go ahead and solve this. 41 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:31,630 That's OK. 42 00:01:31,630 --> 00:01:32,160 What's your name again? 43 00:01:32,160 --> 00:01:32,850 AUDIENCE: Bonnie. 44 00:01:32,850 --> 00:01:33,660 SPEAKER 1: Bonnie, come on over here. 45 00:01:33,660 --> 00:01:35,820 You're going to be maybe my assistant, if you could, 46 00:01:35,820 --> 00:01:37,480 as we sought these elements. 47 00:01:37,480 --> 00:01:39,190 Let's go ahead and give you the mic here. 48 00:01:39,190 --> 00:01:42,250 Each of you has been handed a number that 49 00:01:42,250 --> 00:01:46,220 happens to match with this, which is just an unsorted list of numbers. 50 00:01:46,220 --> 00:01:49,420 And let me just ask that our eight volunteers here sort yourselves. 51 00:01:49,420 --> 00:01:51,640 Go. 52 00:01:51,640 --> 00:01:54,240 [INTERPOSING VOICES] 53 00:01:54,240 --> 00:01:56,410 SPEAKER 1: And I'll have you direct them after this. 54 00:02:00,090 --> 00:02:00,720 Excellent. 55 00:02:00,720 --> 00:02:01,800 Very well done. 56 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:03,900 [APPLAUSE] 57 00:02:03,900 --> 00:02:04,610 OK. 58 00:02:04,610 --> 00:02:06,450 So let me ask any of you, and we'll hand you 59 00:02:06,450 --> 00:02:09,090 the mic, if need be, what was the algorithm you used to sort yourselves? 60 00:02:09,090 --> 00:02:10,430 AUDIENCE: Human intuition. 61 00:02:10,430 --> 00:02:12,260 SPEAKER 1: Human intuition, OK. 62 00:02:12,260 --> 00:02:14,020 [LAUGHTER] 63 00:02:14,020 --> 00:02:14,520 Nice. 64 00:02:14,520 --> 00:02:16,970 [APPLAUSE] 65 00:02:18,210 --> 00:02:18,710 Nice. 66 00:02:18,710 --> 00:02:20,110 Other formulations? 67 00:02:20,110 --> 00:02:20,610 Yeah? 68 00:02:23,530 --> 00:02:28,050 AUDIENCE: I just checked if the person who's left 69 00:02:28,050 --> 00:02:32,210 me, who is supposed to be larger than me is larger than me. 70 00:02:32,210 --> 00:02:36,770 And if he was larger than me, then I stayed there. 71 00:02:36,770 --> 00:02:39,420 And if I was larger than him, I just switched places with him. 72 00:02:39,420 --> 00:02:40,550 SPEAKER 1: OK, I like that. 73 00:02:40,550 --> 00:02:42,290 It's sort [? of a ?] locally optimum approach, 74 00:02:42,290 --> 00:02:44,830 where you just kind of look to the left and right and sort of 75 00:02:44,830 --> 00:02:46,520 fix any transpositions or mismatches. 76 00:02:46,520 --> 00:02:49,060 And in fact, let's go ahead and try and apply that same idea. 77 00:02:49,060 --> 00:02:51,680 Can all eight of you reorder yourselves, just like that, 78 00:02:51,680 --> 00:02:53,510 so that you're standing below your number 79 00:02:53,510 --> 00:02:58,710 so that we're undoing the human intuition that we just executed. 80 00:02:58,710 --> 00:03:01,340 And now let's go ahead and say, all right, so, Bonnie, 81 00:03:01,340 --> 00:03:03,450 if you don't mind helping direct us there-- 82 00:03:03,450 --> 00:03:06,500 direct us here, we clearly have now an unsorted list of numbers. 83 00:03:06,500 --> 00:03:08,810 Let's just bite off this problem one bit at a time. 84 00:03:08,810 --> 00:03:10,610 So for instance, you two, your names again? 85 00:03:10,610 --> 00:03:11,240 AUDIENCE: Tris. 86 00:03:11,240 --> 00:03:11,630 SPEAKER 1: Tris. 87 00:03:11,630 --> 00:03:12,170 AUDIENCE: Curtis. 88 00:03:12,170 --> 00:03:12,830 SPEAKER 1: And Curtis. 89 00:03:12,830 --> 00:03:14,540 So you guys are clearly out of order. 90 00:03:14,540 --> 00:03:16,670 So what would be the locally optimal solution here. 91 00:03:16,670 --> 00:03:17,690 AUDIENCE: They would switch orders. 92 00:03:17,690 --> 00:03:18,940 SPEAKER 1: OK, please do that. 93 00:03:18,940 --> 00:03:20,770 All right, now let's consider 6 and 8. 94 00:03:20,770 --> 00:03:21,800 AUDIENCE: They're fine. 95 00:03:21,800 --> 00:03:22,780 SPEAKER 1: OK, 8 and 5? 96 00:03:22,780 --> 00:03:23,990 AUDIENCE: Let's switch again. 97 00:03:23,990 --> 00:03:25,280 SPEAKER 1: Please switch again. 98 00:03:25,280 --> 00:03:26,030 8 and 2? 99 00:03:26,030 --> 00:03:27,080 AUDIENCE: Switch. 100 00:03:27,080 --> 00:03:27,920 SPEAKER 1: OK. 101 00:03:27,920 --> 00:03:28,730 8 and 7? 102 00:03:28,730 --> 00:03:29,950 AUDIENCE: Switch. 103 00:03:29,950 --> 00:03:30,740 SPEAKER 1: 8 and 4? 104 00:03:30,740 --> 00:03:32,000 AUDIENCE: Switch. 105 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:32,750 SPEAKER 1: 8 and-- 106 00:03:32,750 --> 00:03:33,380 AUDIENCE: 1. 107 00:03:33,570 --> 00:03:33,770 SPEAKER 1: --1? 108 00:03:33,770 --> 00:03:34,370 AUDIENCE: Switch. 109 00:03:34,370 --> 00:03:35,240 SPEAKER 1: All right. 110 00:03:35,240 --> 00:03:36,820 So have we solved the problem? 111 00:03:36,820 --> 00:03:37,490 AUDIENCE: No. 112 00:03:37,490 --> 00:03:39,620 SPEAKER 1: OK, no, obviously not, but is it better? 113 00:03:39,620 --> 00:03:42,050 Are we closer to the solution? 114 00:03:42,050 --> 00:03:46,380 I'd argue we are closer because, right, like 8 somehow made its way all 115 00:03:46,380 --> 00:03:49,550 the way to the correct destination, even though we still have kind of a mess 116 00:03:49,550 --> 00:03:50,810 here to fix. 117 00:03:50,810 --> 00:03:54,470 But notice that the solution got better in this direction and a little better 118 00:03:54,470 --> 00:03:55,100 this direction. 119 00:03:55,100 --> 00:03:56,160 But we're going to do this again. 120 00:03:56,160 --> 00:03:57,600 So Bonnie, can you direct us once more? 121 00:03:57,600 --> 00:03:58,210 AUDIENCE: Yes. 122 00:03:58,210 --> 00:04:02,990 So if you would proceed from this order, you two would switch. 123 00:04:02,990 --> 00:04:04,690 SPEAKER 1: 5 and 6? 124 00:04:04,690 --> 00:04:06,130 AUDIENCE: Let's switch again. 125 00:04:06,130 --> 00:04:07,220 SPEAKER 1: 6 and 2? 126 00:04:07,220 --> 00:04:09,520 AUDIENCE: Remain, and then the next person-- 127 00:04:09,520 --> 00:04:10,340 SPEAKER 1: 7 and 4? 128 00:04:10,340 --> 00:04:11,330 AUDIENCE: 7 and 4 switch. 129 00:04:11,330 --> 00:04:11,510 SPEAKER 1: Nice. 130 00:04:11,510 --> 00:04:12,010 7 and 1? 131 00:04:12,010 --> 00:04:13,050 AUDIENCE: 1 and 7 switch. 132 00:04:13,050 --> 00:04:13,670 And then-- 133 00:04:13,670 --> 00:04:14,450 SPEAKER 1: So now are we done? 134 00:04:14,450 --> 00:04:15,120 AUDIENCE: No. 135 00:04:15,120 --> 00:04:17,540 SPEAKER 1: So no, but look, the problem is getting better. 136 00:04:17,540 --> 00:04:20,850 It's closer to solution because now we have 8 in place and 7 in place. 137 00:04:20,850 --> 00:04:23,150 So we've taken a bite out of the problem, if you would. 138 00:04:23,150 --> 00:04:24,560 Now, we can do this a little more rapid. 139 00:04:24,560 --> 00:04:27,470 So if you want to tell everyone what to do pairwise, pretty quickly. 140 00:04:27,470 --> 00:04:27,970 Go. 141 00:04:27,970 --> 00:04:31,070 AUDIENCE: So everyone, just if you're-- 142 00:04:31,070 --> 00:04:32,540 [LAUGHTER] 143 00:04:32,540 --> 00:04:34,290 SPEAKER 1: Human intuition, if you would. 144 00:04:34,290 --> 00:04:35,340 But let's do it pairwise. 145 00:04:35,340 --> 00:04:36,100 AUDIENCE: OK. 146 00:04:36,100 --> 00:04:37,250 Sure. 147 00:04:37,250 --> 00:04:40,130 Could everyone if the person on your right is smaller than you, 148 00:04:40,130 --> 00:04:44,340 switch with them and then do that again. 149 00:04:44,340 --> 00:04:45,010 SPEAKER 1: Good. 150 00:04:45,010 --> 00:04:46,430 AUDIENCE: Do that again, again. 151 00:04:46,430 --> 00:04:48,120 SPEAKER 1: Good. 152 00:04:48,120 --> 00:04:48,900 AUDIENCE: Again. 153 00:04:51,560 --> 00:04:52,720 And then one last time. 154 00:04:52,720 --> 00:04:53,390 SPEAKER 1: Yeah. 155 00:04:53,390 --> 00:04:55,700 So even though we allowed it to get a little organic there at the end, 156 00:04:55,700 --> 00:04:56,990 now is the list sorted? 157 00:04:56,990 --> 00:04:58,460 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 158 00:04:58,460 --> 00:04:59,610 SPEAKER 1: [LAUGHS] Yes. 159 00:04:59,610 --> 00:05:01,820 So maybe a round of applause for our volunteers here. 160 00:05:01,820 --> 00:05:03,150 And thank you to Bonnie, especially. 161 00:05:03,150 --> 00:05:03,650 Thank you.