#include #include int get_cents(void); int calculate_quarters(int cents); int calculate_dimes(int cents); int calculate_nickels(int cents); int calculate_pennies(int cents); int main(void) { // Ask how many cents the customer is owed int cents = get_cents(); // Calculate the number of quarters to give the customer int quarters = calculate_quarters(cents); cents = cents - quarters * 25; // Calculate the number of dimes to give the customer int dimes = calculate_dimes(cents); cents = cents - dimes * 10; // Calculate the number of nickels to give the customer int nickels = calculate_nickels(cents); cents = cents - nickels * 5; // Calculate the number of pennies to give the customer int pennies = calculate_pennies(cents); cents = cents - pennies * 1; // Sum coins int coins = quarters + dimes + nickels + pennies; // Print total number of coins to give the customer printf("%i\n", coins); } int get_cents(void) { // TODO return 0; } int calculate_quarters(int cents) { // TODO return 0; } int calculate_dimes(int cents) { // TODO return 0; } int calculate_nickels(int cents) { // TODO return 0; } int calculate_pennies(int cents) { // TODO return 0; }