SPEAKER 1: Hello, world, and hello to all of CS50's teachers, now students, in Indonesia. My name is David Malan and I teach CS50 here at Harvard University, which is Harvard's Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. We're so glad that you've joined us on this adventure. And, indeed, in the coming weeks, not only will you learn how to take computer science, but also how to teach it as well. We'll start off in week zero, the course's first week, taking a look at Scratch, a graphical programming language from our friends down the road at MIT, via which you'll program by dragging and dropping puzzle pieces that will only interlock together if it makes logical sense to do so. We use Scratch so as to establish a norm from the beginning of the semester that programming is creative, it's fun, it can come to life on the student screen, even when it's not necessarily the more traditional black and white programming language, so to speak, used at your own keyboard. With that said, in the course's next week, a.k.a. week one, we will tackle exactly that kind of traditional language in the form of C, an older language via which you'll program using your keyboard entirely. But via C and the weeks that follow will you have a better understanding underneath the hood of how it all works. Looking at topics involving memory management and security, and so much more, you'll learn to use a computer's memory as a Canvas of sorts via which to not only store data, but also bring your own ideas to life. Toward the end of the semester and course itself, we'll introduce you to Python, a more modern programming language via which you'll program all the more easily because someone else will have implemented for you underneath the hood so many of those primitives that we'll explore and see. We'll introduce you as well to SQL, a database language via which you can store and query data at scale. We'll introduce you to a little bit of HTML and CSS and JavaScript, languages that are specifically used nowadays for the web and mobile applications alike. And with that conglomeration of languages, ultimately, will you be able to create your very own final project, as well shortly thereafter, your own students as well, and bring to life their ideas, their creativity, all thanks to having learned how to program itself. All this and more in the months ahead. This is and welcome to CS50.