DAVID MALAN: Hello, world. And hello to see CS50x Bangladesh. My name is David Malan, and I teach CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming, which is to say our introductory course in computer science and programming for majors and non-majors majors alike. Indeed, even if you've never programmed before, in the coming weeks, will you have a chance to learn exactly that by way of languages called Scratch, and C, and Python, and SQL, and then, ultimately, a little bit of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS too. Indeed, by way of these several languages will you learn how to express your ideas and how to create incarnations thereof using code and, ultimately, solve problems that you'll first solve only conceptually in your own mind. By the course's end, will you have a chance now to create your very own capstone project as well, whereby the entirety of the project will be up to you to imagine, to design, and then implement for, ultimately, all of the world, or at least your family and friends to see. Indeed, by the end of the course, we can't wait to see what you've created. My name is David Malan. And this is CS50.