DAVID MALAN: Hello world. And hello to CS50x Rasht and our friends Aref, and Kiana, and everyone there. My name is David Malan, and I teach CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike. That is to say, if you've never programmed before, CS50 or CS50x is precisely the course for you now. By way of language is called Scratch, and C, Python, and SQL, and a little bit of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, will you not only learn how to program over the coming weeks, but ultimately how to create projects of your very own. Indeed, the capstone experience of this course is to do just that, to imagine, to design, and then implement for the whole world to see, or at least your family and friends, a project of your own choosing. By way of other courses that you can take either before or after CS50 as well, will you learn all the more about Python if you so choose by way of CS50P, CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python. Or, especially if you're feeling a little uncomfortable with the idea of putting your toes in these waters and exploring computer science or Python programming specifically, you might want to explore programming by way of CS50S, CS50's Introduction to Programming using Scratch, a graphical programming language via which you can express your ideas by dragging and dropping these puzzle pieces that only interlock if it makes logical sense to do so. And from there, can you then take CS50P and/or CS50x as well. Ultimately, we can't wait to see what you create in any of these languages or others. My name is David Malan. And this is CS50.