[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 1: Cut. Back to one. [BELL RINGS] SPEAKER 2: Sorry. I can't seem to get that maneuver right. You're not messing around. SPEAKER 3: I'm [INAUDIBLE]. SPEAKER 4: Stand by for picture. SPEAKER 1: Roll sound. SPEAKER 5: Speeding. SPEAKER 1: Roll the camera. SPEAKER 4: Rolling. SPEAKER 1: Camera set? SPEAKER 4: Camera set. SPEAKER 1: Action. Cut. Meredith, let's get those lunch orders, stat. SPEAKER 2: That chalk was a game changer. Thanks. SPEAKER 3: No problem. Yeah, no, it's fine. Here. Just, why didn't you tell me? SPEAKER 4: Thank you. SPEAKER 1: You two, you're down here. And I need you up here, all right? SPEAKER 3: Look at me as you're saying your lines. It might help. SPEAKER 2: OK. SPEAKER 3: Come closer. SPEAKER 4: Pictures up. SPEAKER 1: Cut. We got it. That's a wrap. [BELL RINGS] SPEAKER 3: Well, I'll see you at the next one. SPEAKER 2: Yeah, see you. [MUSIC PLAYING]