SPEAKER 1: OK, so our eighth puzzle was called Mixed Signals. And for this one we had about 1,100 submissions and 450 or so good guesses, but incorrect. So let's hear again from our friends at Meta on how to solve Mixed Signals. SPEAKER 2: So here we've got Mixed Signals. Mixed Signals was a puzzle authored by a couple of our coworkers, Zach and Alisa. And in it you are given a video of a Beat Saber map. We originally wanted to do this as an actual Beat Saber map that people could play, until we realized that we had no idea how to code that in Beat Saber. So instead, we produced a video of it for you all. So we have this Beat Saber map. And there's two different encoding schemes. We have semaphore, which uses the directions based on how you're slashing the note blocks, and Braille, which you can see from the different mines, which always showed up in the same two by three area of the screen. So if you spell out what's going on, you hear a couple of phrases that you would hear from someone who might be breaking up with you. You have one phrase. "I think we just want different things in life right now," and another, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." And unfortunately, not only are these some depressing phrases. They also have some misspellings. What you have to do is find the misspelled letters. So if you take out the misspelled letters, and you take the letters that they've been replaced with, you get heart for the semaphore, and you get broken from the Braille. And that's what you might be if someone said either of these phrases to you. You would be heartbroken.