Hello, world, wishing all of CS50's students and teachers around the world a very happy New Year. CS50 is an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. And it's been updated for 2024 with, we hope, new and improved lectures, sections, and so much more. In fact, integrated throughout the course now is artificial intelligence in the form of a CS50 duck, a chatbot of whom you can ask questions throughout the course. Now, don't make taking CS50 a New Year's resolution because apparently most people don't even complete those. Rather, just resolve to take CS50, or, really, any other course in 2024. In fact, in July of 2024 can you take CS50's Introduction to Programming with R, a programming language that's particularly well-suited for data science and more, led by CS50's own Carter Zenke. All this, then, and so much more in 2024. This is CS50.