SPEAKER 1: So our second puzzle in this year's packet was called Zoo Pals Mystery Dinner. And overall, it looks like about 1,500 of you submitted solutions to this puzzle. About half of you submitted a correct solution and a half of you an incorrect solution. So let's see what the correct solution might be. SPEAKER 2: In Zoo Pal Mystery Dinner, you started off with a bunch of really lovely pictures of cute little animals. You've got a monkey wearing a nice top hat, a buffalo. You've got a lion, a chicken, a toad, so on and so forth. And so we have all these cute little animals. But unfortunately, these cute animals have met an untimely demise. Each animal died in some suspicious fashion. For example, the monkey died from baguette bludgeoning. So we have to figure out what we do with these animals and these causes of death. Well, this is a mystery dinner. It's dinner. It's time for some delicious food. And so each of these animal names is actually part of a common dish. In the case of monkey, there's the dessert monkey bread. So for all these different animals you had to figure out exactly what the food name is based on the animal picture and then the description at the bottom about how they happen to die. In the case of the buffalo, it had a fatal hang gliding incident. So it was missing its wings. If it had those wings, it could have been buffalo wings. The lion who was decapitated, you have the lion's head and so on and so forth. So here, we have the list of all the different foods that we had in this puzzle. Each of these foods has a rating. And so, what you had to do was go back to that rating and use that to index into the puzzle answer. In the case of monkey bread, for example, if you count out the letters, the eighth letter of monkey bread is R. If you do that for all the different solutions, you get this phrase, roach bar film. And after a little bit of googling, you'll learn about Snowpiercer, a movie in which there is a protein bar made out of roaches. So the solution to this puzzle was Snowpiercer.