DAVID MALAN: All right. So this is CS50, and this is our final session together. This is, sadly, our final session. And I just want to say personally what an honor, what a privilege, what a delight it has been to spend the past couple of days with everyone here. You bring, truly, an energy that we just don't see in America. [LAUGHTER] And it has been so nice to get to know you, if briefly, this week. But most importantly, we really look forward to staying in touch, be it via email or discussion forums or seeing you again next year. Truly, it has been such a pleasure. So on behalf of our whole team, thank you for having us to Jakarta. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Before we begin with the certificates, allow me to acknowledge, too, the team in front of the scenes and behind the scenes that made all this possible, particularly all of our hosts here at JIS in front and back-- a round of applause. [APPLAUSE] Allow me to call out some of CS50's own team members, including Margaret over here-- [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] [? --Neema ?] over here-- [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] --Bernie over here-- [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] --Andrew and Ramon over there and over here. [APPLAUSE] And allow me to invite two of my colleagues to say a final farewell, as well. Yuliia, if you would. [APPLAUSE] YULIIA ZHUKOVETS: Hi, everyone. I just wanted to-- [LAUGHS]. Hi. AUDIENCE: Hi. YULIIA ZHUKOVETS: I just wanted to say that it's been an absolutely awesome two days. You are the most energetic group of people. And without your energy, we would not have been able to do what we did today. I wanted to wish you good luck with all the endeavors that you're going to have in your life. And as David said, please keep in touch. [APPLAUSE] SPEAKER 1: Hello, friends. AUDIENCE: Hi! SPEAKER 1: And goodbye-- AUDIENCE: No! SPEAKER 1: --for now. Please stay in touch. It's been so lovely learning from you. I hope you have learned something from me, but I also learned something from you, as well. So thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge with me, as well. Hope to see you in the future. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] DAVID MALAN: All right. I do hope you'll forgive that after the ceremony, the team here will have to rush off back home. But we are so now looking forward to shaking everyone's hand, presenting you with your CS50 certificate, as well as a CS50 laptop or phone sticker, which you'll find in that folder, as well. And without further ado, allow me to turn things over to our friends here at JIS. SPEAKER 2: Thank you. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [SIDE CONVERSATION] [READING NAMES] [LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE] [READING NAMES] [APPLAUSE] [APPLAUSE] [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] [SIDE CONVERSATION] DAVID MALAN: Thank you, again, to the team [INAUDIBLE]. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] And we have, now, two things remaining. I was a little nervous before, and I'm so sorry to say I forgot to acknowledge and thank [? Rong Shin. ?] And so maybe, in just a moment, if we could all shout out together, thank you [? Rong Shin. ?] In 3, 2, 1. AUDIENCE: Thank you, [? Rong Shin. ?] [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE]