DAVID MALAN: So very happy to reintroduce you to someone who, again, was sitting where you were just one year ago. And who knows among this group who might be standing up here next year? So, Ni'mah is indeed you, and this is Ni'mah. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Yeah, thank you. Hello, everyone. AUDIENCE: Hello. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: First of all, I will say thank you to Professor David and team, who have given me an opportunity to stand here, OK? OK. If I say [INDONESIAN] I will-- I make you yell [SPEAKING INDONESIAN], OK? AUDIENCE: OK. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Like all the-- in the class, OK? OK. Can we start it? AUDIENCE: Yes! NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, [INDONESIAN]! AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK, thank you so much. OK. OK, before I share the experience during the CS50, I will play the video. It will make you recall or remember the moment last four years. [CASH CASH, "HERO"] I let my soul fall into you. I never thought I'd fall right through. I fell for every word you said. You made me feel I needed you and forced my heart to think it's true. But I found I'm powerless with you. Now I don't need your wings to fly. No, I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time. You held me down, but I broke free. I found the love inside of me. Now I don't need a hero to survive because I already saved my life. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, give applause. Thank you. I will congratulate you because finally we can stay here. And then we can together to join the workshop. OK, this is my profile. My name is Ni'mah Faadlilah. I'm an ICT teacher at SMP Negeri 3 Garam Kabupaten Blitar, East Java. And OK. My hobby is reading and writing. I also write books. You know I borrow my books. You can find it in the store book. This is the Islamic book for children. AUDIENCE: Aww. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. OK, I will give it to you, and-- AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Oh, no. No. OK. I just give-- AUDIENCE: Whoa. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: --six. This is for participation in the end is lucky participant for you, OK? I will choose. OK. OK, and the big achievement for me in this year is being a teaching fellow of CS50X at Indonesia University, Harvard University. And this is make me-- it's make me [INDONESIAN] today. [EXCITED CHATTER] OK. [CHATTER] OK, maybe next year or next year, you will stand here to be a TF maybe, [INDONESIAN]. Are we in? OK, some of you asked me how I become a TF. Maybe you are curious about my journey being TF in CS50. This is a video. [GUSTIXA AND RHIANNE, "SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW"] I walked across an empty land. I knew the pathway like the back of my hand. I felt the earth beneath my feet. Sat by the river, and it made me complete. Oh, simple thing, where have you gone? I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on. So tell me when you're going to let me in. I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: My name is Ni'mah, and this is CS50. OK. So this is my journey. I was fall in all the opportunity. And finally, Mr. [INAUDIBLE] send me an email and said about interesting about being a teaching fellow of CS50. And finally, I accept this offer. And now I stand here to share experience in my life during CS50. OK, during joining the CS50, we have difficulties. I know that you all feel same with me. The first is time management. I know it's every morning, we teach in our class. And maybe you are a treasurer in your school. Or maybe you [INDONESIAN], maybe. Is that it? OK, or you will be a [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK. [INDONESIAN]? OK. Then all of the activity in the school and every night or morning you should take the course, doing the pset, and then it's very difficult to time management. This is my very first difficultest job in the CS50 is time management for me. And 2 is-- maybe it's a long time I graduated from university. So I forget about the material of computer science. So it is a start again to learn about the computer science. And then for some people, they have no background in computer science. And then it's a strict discipline in submitting assignments. You learn that every pset have a due date, have a due date to submitting the assignment in the CS50. In last year, we not only do the pset. We also have a quiz. The quiz is a one-week due date. This is about the concept, the material of CS50. And then we also do the labs, and we said also. And before we end of the course, we should take a test. There are two tests, writing test and coding test. It is very, very hard because we only have one week to doing this test. And of course, final project is in the end of the course and the big final project. And you know that in the CS50, the talks are out of the box, you know? We learn about the DNA, about the readability Caesar, and all of the pset. And I think it is a good pset from the CS50. And you know that the pset is-- or CS50 projects are two kind of pset-- more comfortable and less comfortable. It's very related with our curriculum that we also teach the student or provide the task for student in differentiation learning. That's OK? And then the sixth difficulty is the lack of literacy. You know that in website, in web page of CS50, there are so many kind of material. It's pushed us and encouraged us to more read, read, and read. And the last but not least is language because English is not our language. So we try to learn about the language, I will say. It is my feeling. It is my experience during the CS50, OK? And every difficulties qualities have a solution. So hi, how I make a solution with the difficulties is, one, is make priority. You should make what is the first, second, and the third, and so forth and so forth. And then you should commit with your choice where you join this course. And commitment is number one. And then focus-- focus about the course. Don't be lazy, keep spirit, and it will make-- we can handle everything in the course. And then we can adapt a new way of learning with a new system because this is a new system for me, maybe for you. It's not the same with our system in our class, maybe. So this is the time to learn about the way of learning with a new system. And then the third solution is read more, read announcement page in the website, and all-- another reference, and rewatch the video lecture. Sometime I watch the video is more than two because sometime it's I don't get the material for the video. And then if I get stressed, maybe just stay calm, inhale and exhale, and ask. If I don't understand, ask for the-- my friends or ask through the app. And always attend section and office hours to more knowledge or more material if you have understand about it. OK, before I jump to the material, maybe who can sharing about the feeling or the experience during the CS50? OK, who want the setting? OK. [CHATTER] OK, Mr. Ahriman. [CHATTER] SPEAKER 1: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. First of all, I'm very nervous. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Same with me. SPEAKER 1: She's my inspiring woman. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Thank you. SPEAKER 1: Well, first of all, when I take this course, I just try it because I don't have any background in ITs. I just have my English. But then my friend and I, my friend with ITs background before registration, then they step back because they think this will be difficult because the material will be in English. But I am the only one from South Sulawesi in high school who bravely stepped forward for this course. On the first week. I think that the class was very easy to understand. But when I go to the first week, the second week, and the next, oh my gosh. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. SPEAKER 1: I think that this programming language is more complex than love language. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. SPEAKER 1: Because why? Because even I try to ask the solution from my friends with education, with ITs background, they say, I don't get it. This one is new for me. But when you ask about love language to someone, they must know. But when you ask about the programming language, not all. Even someone with the ITs background, they don't have any idea. So it was very stressful moment where I should start from scratch. I do my problem set in week 1. In the middle of this course, I think I was going to, like, step back. I was going to surrender. But then I think, I am the only one from my province. So I should make them proud. So I should finish this course, till the last drop, till the last drop of blood. Thank you so much. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Akim. [CHATTER] Oh yeah. OK. OK. Maybe this is for you, Mr. Akim. [CHATTER] OK, this is for you, OK. [CHATTER] But, you know, I believe in you. You can handle of the pset during this course because you, if attend my office hour, as long as you not say, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. But it's because you can handle all the problem set. And maybe it's just a piece of cake for you. OK. And this is the achievement, experience during the CS50. I will be the speaker in the teacher community like [INDONESIAN], maybe. You have [INDONESIAN]? To share my experience and material in CS50. And then this is also experience from another participant last year. They can using Flask to create a e-LKPD easier. And then can building computational thinking in this class. And then realize that digital literacy is important to the student, but that's both worth to the student and teachers. And then this is very important. The process is more important than the result. So why I also tell you, just submit it, your pset. Just submit it. Don't think about the result. Just submit it. OK. Yes? OK. So don't worry if you get less than 7.5. It's just submitted the-- your problem set. OK, this is how I implement the CS50 material in my class. So I'm a junior high school informatic teacher. And you know, in informatics subject, we have how many elements? AUDIENCE: Eight. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Eight element. What is it? What is it? Can you mention it? AUDIENCE: Computational thinking. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Computational thinking, and then? [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: ICT. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: ICT. AUDIENCE: And then algorithm. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Algorithm and programming. [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Data analyze. [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Impact informatic, impact informatic. And then? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Networking. [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Computer systems, system computer, yeah. And then the last? [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, cross-- what is it? Yeah, [INDONESIAN]. AUDIENCE: Oh, maybe that's [INAUDIBLE]. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Yeah. Cross-disciplinary practice, maybe. There are eight. And in computational thinking or in algorithm and programming, we use Scratch. The material is Scratch. So Scratch is very compatible for junior high school. And this is my class. I teach Scratch. And they are very impressed, very interesting with Scratch, because they can make their own game. And then this is when I spread or sharing material about Scratch to my community or [INAUDIBLE]. I know you can do it after this course. And this is because in my town, the ICT teacher is not only from IT background. They are also teacher from another background. So they need to learn about the Scratch and anymore. This is also experience from Bapak Trangnjono Soewarno from senior high school Kristen Gloria in Surabaya. This is also give the material to the friends. And then how about the senior high school? Who teaches a senior high school? OK, OK. It's OK. It's the same? AUDIENCE: Yeah. [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: The informatics subject have a element too. OK. This is the material that compatible with CS50. Algorithm and programming, they learn about the C programming language, about variable algorithm, pseudocode, flowchart, about loops and if. And for data analyze, I heard that you also teach about the Python to print, about array, looping, and import. Is this all right? AUDIENCE: Yeah. AUDIENCE: Yes. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. And this is the experience from Bapak Nur Rahmat Wahyuaji from SMA [INDONESIAN] Gambut, Kalimantan Selatan. And then this is for vocational high school. I think this material of CS50x is compatible and suitable for vocational high school, especially in software engineering, OK? Who teaches the software engineering in school? Software engineering? OK, good. OK. In 10th grade, they start with the Scratch, C, Python to build the computational thinking. And then at 11th grade, they start about learning web programming with HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL. And maybe for another department, they learn about the mobile application. They learn about Android Studio, Flask, and Python. The material is from CS50. And for the 12th grade, Maybe they learn about UI or UX design. So this is how you implement the material that you get from CS50. And you can share it to your student and your fellow teacher. This is the experience from Ibu Listianty Dewi [INAUDIBLE]. This is my friend in college. And this is when he adapt the puzzle game like this to the student. This is a puzzle game. This is when he teach in the class. And this is-- what do you call-- [INDONESIAN]. [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: So this is like a [INDONESIAN]. Yeah, but the fair about how the result of the student make a game. This is the thing that you can also do in your classroom after from this course. OK, how about from another subject, like English teacher, physic teacher, mathematic teacher, and et cetera? You can adapt and adopt the curriculum of CS50 about pedagogy, like Professor David yesterday, and then about the critical thinking, logical thinking, and problem solving. And also it's more important-- it's the important thing that is discipline is, can you implement to your class? OK, this is the sharing from Bapak Sandi Maulana Abdillah from SMP Negeri Surade Sukabumi. He used Scratch to make English short story. So you can give the material of Scratch, because Scratch is basic for programming, and ask your student to make a short story, maybe, about animation and et cetera. It's depend on your subject that you teach. OK, maybe it's time to ask breaking for well. We will play a game. AUDIENCE: Yay. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK? I need 10 people to here. Please come forward, 10, 10. 1, 2, 3-- [CHATTER] --4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. OK, OK, please come forward. Join with me. [CHATTER] OK, you can in pair, in pair. Make in pairs. Pairs? Make in pairs? [CHATTER] Or you can join with us too. Make in pairs with your-- [CHATTER] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, OK, you can stand up also. Make in pairs. And first, do the friends. [CHATTER] Face to face. AUDIENCE: OK. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Face to face. [CHATTER] OK, face to face. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] Chin chin, switch, switch. Switch. [CHATTER] OK, you can face to face with your friends. [CHATTER] People in front of you is not your friends. It's an enemy or opponent. People in your front is not your friend. It's the enemy. [CHATTER] OK? OK? OK? I will give you the rules. I will give you the rules, OK? Please keep your thumb in your front of your body. Face to face, face to face with your friend. [CHATTER] It's OK. [CHATTER] OK? [CHATTER] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: It's OK, it's OK, it's OK. It's up to you, right or left. It's OK. [CHATTER] OK? And then-- hello? AUDIENCE: Hi. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, if I mention-- please listen, yeah. If I mention a name of the pset-- OK? You just remember the pset. Also recall the name of pset. [CHATTER] If I mention the name of pset, grab your friend thumb. AUDIENCE: OK. [CHATTER] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, I will repeat. [CHATTER] OK, if I mention the name of pset, grab your thumb friend's. [CHATTER] OK. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: It's OK, up to you, but again-- [CHATTER] And you and-- OK. AUDIENCE: Do you want someone to say instructions in bahasa so that it's easier for them to understand? NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, OK, OK. OK? [CHATTER] I will translate my English to bahasa, maybe, for a while. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] OK, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. AUDIENCE: OK. [CHATTER] OK, OK? [CHATTER] So if I mention the-- OK? [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] OK, this is a focus focus, focus. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] OK? [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] You lose. You eliminate from the game. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. Eliminate, you lose from the game. [CHATTER] And you should search another enemy. [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN], OK? Can we start it? AUDIENCE: Yes. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]? AUDIENCE: Yeah! NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. On 3, 2, 1, please listen. AUDIENCE: Shh. [CHATTER] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Gradescope. [EXCITED CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] OK, OK. Run off. [EXCITED CHATTER] Yeah. [EXCITED CHATTER] OK. [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] Move fast, move fast, move fast. AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] AUDIENCE: [INDONESIAN] [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, OK. OK, OK. OK, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. Find the enemy. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Yeah, OK. It's OK, it's OK. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK? OK. Hello, Maya. Please give your thumb again. Hello? OK. Please keep your thumb again in front of your body. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] Please sit down. You eliminate. [CHATTER] OK? OK. Ready? AUDIENCE: Yeah! AUDIENCE: Yes. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Please listen. AUDIENCE: Shh. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Recover. [EXCITED CHATTER] OK. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] OK. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. Please sit down, for who will eliminate-- [CHATTER] OK, please find another enemy. OK. [CHATTER] OK. AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Huh? AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK. [INDONESIAN], again, again, again. [CHATTER] [INDONESIAN]. OK, again. Find the enemy, OK? [CHATTER] OK, ready? AUDIENCE: Yeah. [CHATTER] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: JavaScript. [EXCITED CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] OK. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] OK, there is another-- [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. [CHATTER] OK. AUDIENCE: Yeah. [CHATTER] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] Please find the enemy. [CHATTER] In pairs, in pairs. [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Yeah. [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] OK, ready? Please give your thumb. AUDIENCE: Shh. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. AUDIENCE: Shh. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Please give your thumb. OK, are you ready? [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK? [CHATTER] Yeah. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK. OK, are you ready? AUDIENCE: Yes. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Arrays. Array, array, array, array, array. Array, array. [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] OK, OK. [CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. Wait, wait. AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] AUDIENCE: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK? [CHATTER] Ready? DNA. [EXCITED CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] Yes, you lose, you lose, you lose. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, OK. AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, OK. [CHATTER] OK. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK, ready? [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK? Please give your thumb. OK? Credit. [EXCITED CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong. Go back, go back, go back. Go back, go back. OK, OK. [CHATTER] OK. Yeah. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, you are ready? [CHATTER] Please listen and [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. GitHub. [CHATTER] OK, OK? OK. AUDIENCE: Again, again. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Again, again. [INDONESIAN], give your thumb. Python. [EXCITED CHATTER] Sorry, sorry. [CHATTER] OK, OK, once more. SQL. [CHATTER] OK, OK. Listen. [CHATTER] OK, once more. [CHATTER] Falum. [EXCITED CHATTER] OK. [CHATTER] OK, OK, OK. [CHATTER] OK, Falum, Falum pset. Falum here. OK. Just [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. [CHATTER] Oh god. OK. OK, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK. [CHATTER] AUDIENCE: [INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [INDONESIAN] [CHATTER] OK, office hour. [CHATTER] OK. OK, ready? Ginger. [CHATTER] OK, Mario. [EXCITED CHATTER] [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] OK, well, oh, OK. OK, so ready? [CHATTER] OK, ready? AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: CSS. [CHATTER] Memory. Eh, memory. Memory, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. [CHATTER] OK, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. OK? [CHATTER] Caesar. [EXCITED CHATTER] OK, once more, once more. [CHATTER] OK. OK, AI. [CHATTER] OK. AUDIENCE: Shh. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Algorithm. [CHATTER] OK. Sort. [EXCITED CHATTER] OK, OK. It's OK. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. Because the time is limited, I'll give you this thing for you. OK, thank you. Thank you. [CHATTER] Thank you, yeah. [INTERPOSING VOICES] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. [CHATTER] OK, thank you for the-- [INAUDIBLE]. Thank you all for the-- AUDIENCE: Thank you. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. Before, OK, this is the reflection. OK, after joining the CS50, I know about the computational thinking, problem solving, and programming language. And second, be a honest person at work because, after five months, we learn about the academic honesty. So it make me an honest person. And be a disciplined teacher because about the problem set that we should submit it in the right time. And before is there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. AUDIENCE: Yeah. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: This is right. And this is a modification for you. Believe that you can achieve it and be disciplined with your time management. And maybe sometime, you feel it's difficult. Yes, of course, it's difficult. But if you want to give up, it's-- don't. Don't give up. I know you can pass this course until at the end. And this is not the end but beginning of your journey. Keep up the spirit of CS50 and spread all of that you get from CS50 to your student, to your fellow teachers in your school, and your community, and your town. I have three books more. Maybe who can be a reflection of this section? Who? OK. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] OKTAVIANA: Thank you, Ms. Ni'mah. Test. Thank you, Ms. Ni'mah for the chance. I am Oktaviana from Surabaya. So you are my supervisor for the final project. Thank you so much for your assistance. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: My pleasure. OKTAVIANA: First of all, me and Anna, my teammate, we don't know how to build the web application. And then you suggest us how to do it. And then you not only assist us but also motivate us to solve and believe in us, even at the first time-- we don't know how to do it, right? And yeah, I think without your support, we cannot be here at this moment. And by joining this CS50, I learned about the persistence and then how to keep pursuing our dreams, our needs, and by watching video from Professor Malan over and over, and finally, we know how to handle the problems. At the first time, we don't know how to solve it. Like, what should we do after reading the Brian's instruction? But still, by your help, by your assistance, thank you so much for all of your effort, Ms. Ni'mah. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, thank you, Ms. Okta-- OK, and this is for you. OKTAVIANA: Thank you, Ms. [INAUDIBLE]. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, who else? [INTERPOSING VOICES] [CHATTER] SPEAKER 2: Yeah, OK. Thank you, Ms. Ni'mah for the opportunity. Well, first of all, I would like to say that I'm so proud of you. You're such an inspiring teacher for all of us, Indonesian teacher-- NI'MAH FAADLILAH: [INAUDIBLE] SPEAKER 2: --who get the achievement. Actually, I also feel the same thing as you, your experience, when you show on the slide that you failed in the Fulbright scholarship-- yeah, me too last year. But maybe for this year, I will try again because, for me, when we give up, it means that we lose something. We lose the chance. But if we just try again and try again, we never know what happen in the next, right? NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. SPEAKER 2: So yeah. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Right. SPEAKER 2: First of all, of course, taking this course-- at the first time, it's very hard for me because I have no computer science background. And I start from the zero learning about all the material from CS50. But I'm so grateful I have Margaret as my TF, who helped me a lot to understand about the material and then solve the problem set in the office hour. And finally, I can be here now. Thank you so much. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, thank you, Ms. Itka. SPEAKER 2: Thank you-- NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, this is-- SPEAKER 2: --Ms. Ni'mah. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: --for you, OK. The last, OK. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] [EXCITED CHATTER] AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, OK. [CHATTER] SPEAKER 3: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. Hello, everyone. My name is [INAUDIBLE]. I am a local language teacher. Bahasa Makassar is special subject in here. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. SPEAKER 3: I'm from Makassar, South Sulawesi. We here, it's a beautiful journey for me because I'm out of the box. [INTERPOSING VOICES] SPEAKER 3: You know, I'm a local teacher every day. I learn how about Bahasa Makassar to my student. And be here give me a great motivation for me to do the best every time. And I do believe we can do-- if we have a patient in our heart. Thank you. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Thank you. And for the one who don't get the books, please go to the bookstore, OK? AUDIENCE: Thank you, Miss. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, OK. Thank you. [CHATTER] OK just remember the last sentences about the spread all of what you get from CS50 to your student, fellow teacher, and your community. Or if you can do that, I should say, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. AUDIENCE: [INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK, this is from the last year and-- [CHATTER] Yeah, I need-- OK. Again, the last I should say to you is, welcome to the CS50x Indonesia community. Thank you so much, OK. OK, thank you. OK, [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]. [EXCITED CHATTER] AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I want to. AUDIENCE: Shh. NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK? Can we start it now? AUDIENCE: Yes! NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]! AUDIENCE: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN]! ALL: [SPEAKING INDONESIAN] NI'MAH FAADLILAH: OK. OK, thank you so much for having me today.