import sys class Node(): def __init__(self, state, parent, action): self.state = state self.parent = parent self.action = action class StackFrontier(): def __init__(self): = [] def add(self, node): def contains_state(self, state): return any(node.state == state for node in def empty(self): return len( == 0 def remove(self): if self.empty(): raise Exception("empty frontier") else: node =[-1] =[:-1] return node class QueueFrontier(StackFrontier): def remove(self): if self.empty(): raise Exception("empty frontier") else: node =[0] =[1:] return node class Maze(): def __init__(self, filename): # Read file and set height and width of maze with open(filename) as f: contents = # Validate start and goal if contents.count("A") != 1: raise Exception("maze must have exactly one start point") if contents.count("B") != 1: raise Exception("maze must have exactly one goal") # Determine height and width of maze contents = contents.splitlines() self.height = len(contents) self.width = max(len(line) for line in contents) # Keep track of walls self.walls = [] for i in range(self.height): row = [] for j in range(self.width): try: if contents[i][j] == "A": self.start = (i, j) row.append(False) elif contents[i][j] == "B": self.goal = (i, j) row.append(False) elif contents[i][j] == " ": row.append(False) else: row.append(True) except IndexError: row.append(False) self.walls.append(row) self.solution = None def print(self): solution = self.solution[1] if self.solution is not None else None print() for i, row in enumerate(self.walls): for j, col in enumerate(row): if col: print("█", end="") elif (i, j) == self.start: print("A", end="") elif (i, j) == self.goal: print("B", end="") elif solution is not None and (i, j) in solution: print("*", end="") else: print(" ", end="") print() print() def neighbors(self, state): row, col = state candidates = [ ("up", (row - 1, col)), ("down", (row + 1, col)), ("left", (row, col - 1)), ("right", (row, col + 1)) ] result = [] for action, (r, c) in candidates: if 0 <= r < self.height and 0 <= c < self.width and not self.walls[r][c]: result.append((action, (r, c))) return result def solve(self): """Finds a solution to maze, if one exists.""" # Keep track of number of states explored self.num_explored = 0 # Initialize frontier to just the starting position start = Node(state=self.start, parent=None, action=None) frontier = StackFrontier() frontier.add(start) # Initialize an empty explored set self.explored = set() # Keep looping until solution found while True: # If nothing left in frontier, then no path if frontier.empty(): raise Exception("no solution") # Choose a node from the frontier node = frontier.remove() self.num_explored += 1 # If node is the goal, then we have a solution if node.state == self.goal: actions = [] cells = [] while node.parent is not None: actions.append(node.action) cells.append(node.state) node = node.parent actions.reverse() cells.reverse() self.solution = (actions, cells) return # Mark node as explored self.explored.add(node.state) # Add neighbors to frontier for action, state in self.neighbors(node.state): if not frontier.contains_state(state) and state not in self.explored: child = Node(state=state, parent=node, action=action) frontier.add(child) def output_image(self, filename, show_solution=True, show_explored=False): from PIL import Image, ImageDraw cell_size = 50 cell_border = 2 # Create a blank canvas img = "RGBA", (self.width * cell_size, self.height * cell_size), "black" ) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) solution = self.solution[1] if self.solution is not None else None for i, row in enumerate(self.walls): for j, col in enumerate(row): # Walls if col: fill = (40, 40, 40) # Start elif (i, j) == self.start: fill = (255, 0, 0) # Goal elif (i, j) == self.goal: fill = (0, 171, 28) # Solution elif solution is not None and show_solution and (i, j) in solution: fill = (220, 235, 113) # Explored elif solution is not None and show_explored and (i, j) in self.explored: fill = (212, 97, 85) # Empty cell else: fill = (237, 240, 252) # Draw cell draw.rectangle( ([(j * cell_size + cell_border, i * cell_size + cell_border), ((j + 1) * cell_size - cell_border, (i + 1) * cell_size - cell_border)]), fill=fill ) if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit("Usage: python maze.txt") m = Maze(sys.argv[1]) print("Maze:") m.print() print("Solving...") m.solve() print("States Explored:", m.num_explored) print("Solution:") m.print() m.output_image("maze.png", show_explored=True)