When Ruby arrives, the whole garden is in chaos! Everything is out of order, with dirt, vegetables, and Foxes flying every which way. It's hard to focus on anything. The Foxes are confused about what to do. They keep repeating tasks that are already done, and missing other jobs that need to be completed. "New rule! New rule!" the boss Fox yells. "Everyone grab a seed to plant and at the same time weed the garden." Ruby observes all the craziness and comes up with an idea. She raises her voice and gets everyone's attention. "You, you, and you - you're the planters. You need a bag of seeds. If the hole is empty, drop in one carrot seed. If there's already a seed, move on. Keep going until you hit the end of the row, then move to the next row. Repeat the whole thing five times." Ruby is pleased with herself. Now, onto the others. "The rest of you - you're the weeders. Your role is to remove everything green and living, unless it's a carrot seedling. Check each row. Stop when you've reached the end of the fifth row." "Oh, that helps," says the boss Fox a little sheepishly. Everyone gets to work. And just when it's time to plant the last carrot seed, Ruby spots something half-buried in the mud - it's a sparkling pink gem! With three gems in her pocket, Ruby lets out an exhausted sigh. And that's when she smells something sweet drifting through the air. Her stomach starts to growl.